A round of BLF tech developer support, as token of appreciation and hopefully speed tech development up even more.
$30.30 (received $30) Toykeeper for example: trunk : Code : Flashlight Firmware Repository
$30.30 (received $30) Tom E for example: Q8, PMS SEND TO THOSE WITH ISSUES BLF soda can light - #2 by The_Miller
$30.30 (received $30) DavidEF for example : Another little driver that won't be much use to most of you guys
$30.30 (received $30) Texas_Ace for example: Texas Avenger "TA" Driver series - Triple channel + Bistro or Narsil + Clicky or E-switch - The Ultimate open source driver!
$30.15 (received $30) Mike C for example: Mike C drivers: v8 series, ATtiny1634 based.
(More tech developers were contacted, not all reacted, not all accepted, so the token of BF appreciation was bigger for these 5.)