TANK007 TK-703 RED (1*AAA/1*10440) Deal

As pointed out below my mistake it’s just the BODY not the full light! :frowning:

Click This Link

The mini in the box link is only the host, not the emitter

Tank007 TK-703 Aluminum Alloy Flashlight Body Tube Host

Well, thanks. I shouldn't have looked. I ended up spending $40 on other stuff.

I don't even thing it's the host ...it's a body extention to make a AAA a 2x AAA

There is also a 566/568 body /host for sale too..Which really doesn't make any sense until you realize they are actually just selling the short 2inch body tube that makes it a 2xAA light and works on both lights .


These are availabe for just a few dollars at manafont


/or twice as much at >dino ..


This becomes obvious when you see the crazy high prices they have on just a 566 or a 701 etc

I'd avoid this dealer unless you don't like your cash

That's a cool deal if it includes the lens, reflector, and pill. Looks like it includes the tail switch.

Managed to find a good deal for the actual light itself this time :slight_smile:

£5.75 using BLF code approx $9.44 from banggood.com

TANK007 TK-701
Deal Link Here

Wow...a small keychain light..nice