I don’t read all that much about this light on this board but boy, I was sure surprised when I received it.
I know, I know, it only has one mode,(high), and is a reverse clicky as opposed to a forward clicky but this thing is almost a micro searchlight! I was really surprised by it’s build quality and brightness for such a small light and especially an AAA light with a clicky. The example I received is a beautiful, shiny red which I like a lot.
Even though the clicky adds a small amount of length to the light, this thing is as small as you’ll find with a clicky.
I know most folks prefer a forward clicky which provides the momentary on feature but I don’t mind the reverse clicky at all. It somewhat serves as prevention from accidental activation when carried on a keychain or in the pocket. It also has a nice, smooth and positive on/off click. I also like that that the activation button on the end is metal insted of a rubber button that can wear out over time.
The beam is somewhat ringy, (but the hotspot is intense), and I do wish it had a low, low but I’ve been using it with an UltraFire 10440 and it takes awhile before it gets warm.
Don’t get me wrong, I prefer my TANK007 E09, but for such an inexpensive light with this much quality and brightness, (to me!), it’s a real “must-have”even if just tucked away somewhere when you need some really bright light.
I like the clicky, and it is certainly very bright on an eneloop, but I just don’t find the TK-703 as useful as my Preon P0. I find the flood beam more practical for this size light.
I love my 703. However, I was disappointed when I reallized that I had to remove the spring from it so that a 10440 would fit. Now a AAA will not work in it. This is only a problem if the 10440 goes dead at work.
Hey Gebe. I agree, that 703 has way more throw then most AAA lights. The 701, on the other hand, has a great floody beam. It's great to have both on hand. Love the knurling on those Tank007's..