When I first entered the LED light journey I began with Tbest. They were in my inbox; no other reason. I started with some inexpensive zoomies and some real garbage “gazillion”maH batteries for them. The lights worked. The batteries were garbage as I later found out. In the meantime I bought some C8s. As it turned out they were counterfeit “Convoy C8s”. They were NOT Convoy brand. Some worked for a time then pooped the bed, others were DOA. Tmart made good on them, but free shipping from China takes time and life is short and finite. Plus, who needs the aggravation? I paid money; I expected working goods.
Finally I came here and the lights were diagnosed as being counterfeits. The batteries were dangerous garbage and have since been recycled. The lights now work thanks to TheDude.
Frankly, Tmart made good on the garbage counterfeit C8s, but life is just too short for that. I give Tmart a huge thumbs down for selling junk in the first place. Their support was good as was their replacement of defective goods, but I wanted and paid for working goods that wouldn’t require replacement over MANY months. They reshipped at least 3 times. Is that a screwed up business model or what!?
They continue to send me email fliers, but I haven’t done business with them since and probably never will again. I don’t even open their fliers; I just delete them. As I wrote, life is just too short for that crap. But there are billions more “marks” on the planet who haven’t been screwed over with counterfeit goods yet. I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night.
This not an indictment against all Chinese vendors, just Tmart. Will I ever do business with them again? Only when hell freezes over.
The good vendors? Aliexpress, Banggood, Gearbest (so far and in no order). Would I do business with them again? In a heartbeat and with no mental hesitation. Some offer shipping choices and it’s up to you to pick what you want. I suggest that one picks wisely . I have yet to not receive something but the time in shipping can vary depending on ones choice.
If I didn’t include a manufacturer that’s known to be good it’s only because I haven’t done business with them. Those 4 I have. 3 are excellent, one not so much as far as quality of merchandise (Tmart). (Why ship counterfeit garbage around the globe? Then do it again and again? I just don’t understand that and never will. Eat the crap (or return to the manufacturer) if the QC is that terrible, and ship the good gear to the paying customers.) One only gets one chance for a first impression. I feel sorry for the other end users that Tmart will sell their garbage to. And the price of good quality vs TMart garbage is similar.
I love Aliexpress, banggood and gearbest. Good gear, good quality, and no reason to reship anything that was paid for multiple times. Gotta love getting working gear the first time so that one can move on in life.