I have been after better ( more Power ) reversing LED bulbs for my car for a while now ..
My original review went =
Got some 7Watt LED bulbs in the mail today ... ( Ebay )
In the pictures you will note fact bulb on the left and LED on the right side ( Driver side )
Some lux readings :
LED = 54200Lux
Fact Bulb = 39600Lux
So the LED produces a little more light , and due to the design , throws light in a very wide pattern .
Got in the car after dark and reversed it up my drive way ..
Certainly more COLD light emitted , I cant say I could see that much better VIA the mirrors , I think for the naked eye to really see more difference the variable would need to be much greater .
Here is the thing though ..
These are 7Watt , the factory bulbs are rated 21Watts (?) Sorry such small print and I didnt have a magnifying glass handy .. I will recheck the Watt ratting tomorrow with a magnifying glass .
But if my eyesight has not failed me , thats 21Watts ( incan ) VS 7Watts LED .. I will leave the LED in for now and see how they go ( Might fail ? ) Especially as one of the bulbs had a slight rattle inside , so will see how it handles road vibration ...
Since then : I still wanted more Power.
Bulb 1 is my current emitter in the tail light .
And bulbs 2 and 3 are the new ones ...
Some one may notice the claim for 15W for this one (?)
No power claim on this one !
Lets get to the numbers :
Bulb 3 claimed to be 15W so should walk all over my current 7W LED bulb , well no ..
@ 8300Lux the performance was Lax to say the least
Bulb 2 with no claim , pumped some 33 500Lux , still not on par with the incan bulb
Bulb 1 , the one I was running produced some 54 000Lux conservatively
So unfortunately the search continues for more Power !
Posted just in case anyone else is looking for more Power in their reverse light .
Updated : 14th - Sept - 2015
Updated with this pair :
23000 Lux and extremely blue light ...