Test / Review: "Himax 2600" 18650 batteries from "pingyi.co.ltd" on eBay (very poor results)

As a continuation of an earlier thread I started, the discharge test results for the batch of 12 I received is as follows:

The test results are definitely not anything like HKJ’s review

My batteries were ordered from this eBay listing on the 25th July, so it is possible that since HKJ’s review something has changed in their battery formulation.

Close examination of the batteries will also reveal the text “US18650GR” or “MEHM4CA” showing through the white shrink wrap used on the Himax cells, indicated that the underlying cells are from either Sanyo or Sony.

Judging from the discharge performance, they are almost certainly recycled laptop cells.

Testing is done by charging each cell up on a Xtar SP2 @ 1A and then discharged at 2.5A using a West Mountain Radio CBA IV.

I am very disappointed by the results.

A copy of my test result data file (you can open this with the CBA software freely available for download on the West Mountain Radio site) can be obtained from here

And below is a copy of the message I sent the seller when I opened the dispute:

Update: I just received an email from their representative

Not sure what’s really happening, but if you purchased any cells from them lately I’d strongly urge you to check it against a known good cell and see if it is performing as it should.

Perhaps the recent quality problems might be due to someone else doing PINGYI the shadey.

Would you try cell number 8 again?

Why cell 8 in particular?

I was actually intending to recheck the “poor” cells just to be doubly sure that they really are so poor, but my charger and CBA are currently tied up with other cells.

Just because it looked a bit too hectic, I hope you are not having contact issues.

Actually it's a good thing to double check these very poor results.

Yeap, I will. I want to be doubly sure of the results too, I have never see very many behave this way under testing before, except for some very old laptop cells.

Ive teste djust 3 out of twelve with 1A to 2,8V, and all had arounf 2200mAh I think. I didnt test the others didnt had time nor will.

Now sein gthese tests I feel I have to check them all, if some cells have even 2 times lower capacity than others!! They are even worse than I thought :o
And I intended to use them in some higher current flashlights and in bike lights for longer runtime :o

I didnt intend to ask any refund, but now Im not so sure anymore, if some bad from the batch are so bad, and if the batch is so unconsistent

Well, at the very least it appears they are taking the claims seriously, hopefully they actually are.

great after 6 months of being on the fence i ordered 12 of these things :zipper_mouth_face:

I talked with Shane at The Pro-Tactical Shop and he is going to peel the wrapper back on some and check them but he won’t be able to do that until tonight around 6pm or 7pm.

Here are pictures of the HI-MAX that I got from Shane. He just sent me these.

Well, its a question does he has same batch as pingyi.

That’s where he orders his from.

What I am suspecting is that maybe the factory employees do a switcheroo on some of their cells, so perhaps for some of them they put in the good “Himax” cells we’ve come to know and love, and for others they swop in some old lappie cell.

At least that’s the impression I got from the email reply.

I accept the fact that I pretty much dont understand/know whats happening there (in China) :slight_smile:

God knows what happened in this instance, but I dont think its unusual, its like mor usual than unusual thing for quality to drop…

I’ll definitely be redoing the tests in time. Been pondering about it and was worried that perhaps my attempts to mimic HKJ’s battery testing clamp might be sub par.

I won’t want to run the risk of putting people off a good supplier, so I will be waiting for this el cheapo DX charger to arrive and cannibalise its case and battery holder for the sake of… testing!

Please post your results too, your post was actually the one that set alarm bells going off in my head.

So far, no Hi-max/ low-max for me.

I will post my results, I dont have much time, but Ill do my best, Im just measuring one of these 3 cells second cycle, to see will capacity improve.
But, capacity wasnt some big reason for me to buy them (after all its only 200mah more than standard 2400mAh), small voltage sag was the main reason, and all three I tested today have voltage sag at 1A pretty same as almost any other cheaper cell… In 1 minute it drops to around 3,6V, depending of the cell. I dont have equipment to make diagrams, Ill just post their capacities.


I have had a lot of luck with these batteries. Not even an hour after you posted this the news made it to me. I’m interest in knowing where you are getting the “US18650GR” or “MEHM4CA” can you please peel the the battery back to confirm this? I will replace what you damage either with the HI-MAX that i stock or another 2600 brand of your choice that i stock.

These batteries are done by SHENZHEN PINGYI ELECTRONICS CO in Shenzhen,China. They are supposed to be a Samsung core cell and they are fair people to work with, yet this has me worried. I will talk to the PINGYI sales rep. tonight about this.

Please send me an email,


My results until know, dscharging at 1A to 2,8V

1. cell: (1) 2293AH (2) 2238 Ah (first and second cycle… I know, little weird)
2. cell: 2113mAh
3. cell: 2232 mAh

All have large voltage sag same, worse or little better than much cheaper cells.

PS: resting voltage after discharging by 1A to 2,80 V is 3,43V….
SO that would be like at least 0,63V voltage sag.