Test/Review of AWT IMR18650 1600mAh (Yellow)

AWT IMR18650 1600mAh (Yellow)

Flat top version (ft)

This is a high current battery with fairly low capacity.

Official specifications:

  • Nominal Voltage: 3.7V
  • Capacity: 2000mAh (35Amp)
  • Lowest Discharge Voltage : 2.50V
  • Standard Charge: CC/CV ( max. charging rate 4.5A )
  • Cycle Life: > 500 cycles
  • Max. continuous discharge rate: 10C

The battery does nice up to 20A with acceptable tracking between the cells and nearly constant capacity, but it cannot do 30A.

Button top version (bt)

The button top version has slightly higher resistance due to the button top. This is only significant well above 10A.

These two cells do also track very nicely.


The battery is a acceptable high current cell, at least up to 20A, but the capacity cannot match the newer high current cells.

Notes and links

The batteries was supplied by AWT for a review.

How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Compare to 18650 and other batteries