I looked at the discharge graphs,and without using your comparitor,thought,25R.It’s the initial dip in voltage to 250mAh compared to the HE2 or VTC5.Then I verified with your comparitor….perfect match,Samsung 25R Cyan.Thanks to your efforts,we know what we are getting.Maybe you cannot say it,but I can… …it’s a quality,high drain rewrap,but 2.5Ah,not 2.6,cos it’s a 25R
Interesting. In another thread here, Grace from AWT said they do not re-wrap other manufacturer’s cells:
“…Hi Wolfdog/Capolini, This is Grace, thanks for interested in our battery. i learned that you curious about our battery are re-wraped from Samsung, or LG, or Panosonic or …, i have to addmit that curious is a good thing, it help people to find out the truth. but why we re-wrap the battery? we have so many different capacity of the 18650 battery 1600mah, 2000mah , 2500mah , 2600mah, 3000mah 3100mah with different current , and NOT mention about other size like 266650 or 10440 14500 16340 18350 18490 18500 etc. we have our product line. so , the answer is no ! we did not re-wrap the other brand battery, we are the AWT !!! Original and Authentic !!! …”
Interesting. I am under the impression that there are only around five quality 18650 manufacturers, and a lot of quality brands do indeed rewrap cells from these manufacturers. I do not believe these are actually made by AWT. I do believe they are rewraps (of good cells). While I understand their reasons, I would respect them more if they admitted that, even if they did not disclose the actual cells they are rewrapping.
Not bad getting labels in good batteries , of good company.
There are other such companies , so many years have given us very good such batteries .
Another way to buy the right battery .
I have many such batteries a known company purchasing batteries calls and puts its own labels on them.
Nobody copied batteries from such companies .
From the tests seem to have very good quality .
No reason.
Just I wrote that it is not bad to wrap a good battery and sell it as their own.
The only reason to buy someone such batteries, once you already know what there is below the lid of each company, is that having confidence in the company , it knows that buys the good battery and not some FALSE.
Moreover , these companies buy good batteries of large manufacturers , in order to continue to have a good name in the market.
I do not want to enter into conflict with anyone.
Just I’m very pleased with some of these companies and no longer gets to bad I see something.
Bad thing is that since we know what is the battery, not someone accepts that this is the battery under the label.
I have no problem with it also wanted to buy the AWT 2500 a long time , but I learned that under the AWT 3000 is the Samsung 30Q and so now I look to find this battery .
AWT do a good job and I would say go on like this .
In Greece we have many fake batteries , from traders falsehood and subsequently looking to find batteries from companies like you.
So far which battery purchased from such a company , I did not go to waste.
In Greece , no longer can we buy abroad .
Neither of FastTech.
I had bought these batteries (25R) when were new to the market and I have to say only good words .
Even now , after so many years , is one of my best battery .
If , then, is the 25R under the label of AWT ( self believe and see) , it is not bad to admit themselves ……………
Beware - I got 4 of the fakes of this cell from here: http://www.gearbest.com/batteries/pp_178120.html. These are clearly fake - GB even sort of admits it with "AWT style", and all 4 tested between 1600 and 1700 mAh, but they did seem to perform very well as far as low resistance. I just opened a ticket, but really for that price, I should have expected it. Either the wrappers are being faked, or the wrappers are on the market, maybe from someone on the inside.
I think Grace is not understanding what's goin on. She may be technically correct, but I'm thinking the cell cores are what's being bought and packaged, not a rewrap of the full cell itself. No way is AWT independently designing a Li-Ion core that match's a 25R's core's characteristics to the T. This is probably what EFEST is doing as well.
Tom E , it saw that the GB admits that it is the fake batteries that AWT has . you’re right.
My post , was not meant to offend someone or decrease the opinion of someone else.
Just how I see the matter described.
Sorry if by my way I wrote something that hurt someone .
I had no such intentions .
FmC , I know my friend.
Neither I wrote the answer in ’ you. Generally speaking a view he described my friend.
ToM E , I do not know if there is such a case with AWT, but the EFEST believe that they know exactly what they do.
Many Efest have very different batteries from those supposedly writes the cover .
This is not good I believe .
If you are second quality , but by large manufacturers or if recycled and simply put their label to make easy and inexpensive profit , over time this will come out losers.
I hope the AWT not do such a mistake .
Can you make that description clearer? Is it possible to buy the “core” — the insides — and “put it in the can” as a separate operation?
I’d have imagined the chemicals would leak out of the “core” if it’s not completely sealed. Pictures would be helpful if anyone knows what this looks like.
I dunno, I'm guessing, but we know name brands like KeepPower, EVVA, EagleTac, NiteCore, Olight etc., do their own wraps, and we know they do their own button tops, outer assemblies and protection boards on top of someone else's cell. So if the cells are available 'blank' for OEM's, then maybe other inner part of the cells are available too - it really doesn't matter - whatever the core is, they are bought and packaged - small and big guys are doing it. You or I can very cheaply come up with our own name brand cell and re-sell them. Guys here on BLF had the choice to make - is it better to have your own store brand on your cells or use the original brand? What would sell and look better?