Test/Review of Charger LiitoKala Engineer Lii-500

Your welcome! I think your “trying” is paying off. :+1:

I have one more cheap DMM I have not checked yet. I’ll be interested to see if it has one.

I finally opened up my Harbor Freight freebe. There’s no adjustment. There’s also no fuse holder. But it seems to have a tiny fuse soldered to the board.

Never seen the yellow hF, is it new…?

Interesting, is it new…?

I know that some of the free/cheapy HF meters have a backlight and advertise ‘fused’. They are usually $1 more cost, when not free. I have at least 1 of each, backlight and a couple not, but all of them have fuses and pots. Just got a fused non backlite with pot HF dmm last week. Maybe I got some old stock…?
They don’t make them like they use too… lol

Many of us will mistakenly put voltage/amperage into the ohms mode circuit, won’t that little on board non replaceable fuse pop…?
How is the accuracy/calibration of these no pot, no fuse HF dmm…?

Technically, it’s not from HF. It was sent to me by VDC Electronics as a free gift after purchasing one of their BatteryMINDer battery chargers/maintainers. Must have been 2-3 years ago.

I got mine 4 months ago. As far as accuracy, it’s pretty close when measuring 120 volt AC outlets, but like the picture I posted comparing it to my Fluke 289, it’s off a bit. What reads 4.2 volts on the Harbor Frieght, reads 4.15 volts on the Fluke.
I’d gladly give it away but it wouldn’t be worth the shipping.

I measured four 18650 batteries with a UNI-T UT139C DMM, and found them all at 8.04V.I put them in my LiitoKala 500,and I saw 8.21V.
What do you suggest?
When the charging was finished,the charger wrote 4.22V,the DMM 4.216V,and there were taken 317mAh from the charger.

I suggest you run for cover because they are about to blow. :slight_smile:

I thought mine was defective, as it was charging cells to 4.24-4.25 and I was afraid a cell might vent. But as I read in this thread, it might be just fine?

Yep, if you look at HJK’s charging graphs, this is normal. It’ll peak at around 4.25 and then drop slightly for the remainder of the charging cycle.

Measure the voltage with a DMM after you take it off the charger and it’ll be somewhere around 4.2V.

I am kinda confused Theodore…….
8.04V / 4 batteries = 2.01V for each battery, measured on the DMM
8.21V / 4 batteries = 2.0525V for each battery, measured on Lii-500

I guess my first question is how or why were they discharged that low?

Pete7874, quoted below; may have the best suggestion of what to do next. :wink:

What was the voltage when you removed them from the charger and checked then with the DMM?

Thats nominal voltage, use a factor of /2 to get metric voltage. :smiley:


:person_facepalming: :open_mouth: :person_facepalming: … You busted my chops ‘allcool’, at first glance I thought the “JK” was in your signature line. :person_facepalming:

I had googled “metric voltage” a couple of times… with no result of course; before I realized the “JK” was not in the sig line.

Personally, I hopes he checks in and clarifies what he said… at least to me. Cause I seem to be lost…………. :person_facepalming: … :wink:

Sorry, was mostly directing it at Theodore’s possible(probable)typo… and not trying to bust chops, :wink:

Theodore you mean 4.04V and then 4.21V in your first sentence ?

My goodness, no apology necessary…. I thought it was hilarious when I realized what I had done/was doing!!! :smiley:

It made my day………. :+1:

I was just trying to decipher what Theodore41 was talking about…………… :wink:

Mea culpa.It was 4.04V,(for every one of course),not 8.04.
I charged them for measuring my TN40S ,which has returned to me by giorgoskok having bypassed the 4 springs.

Excellent, a typo. :+1:
My faith is restored in you ‘Theodore41’, I thought you had lost your mind there for a minute. :smiley:

Is there any way to calibrate the charging voltage on a Lii-500?
Mine reads about .4v high so when it terminates at 4.2v it’s really only 3.8v according to every other voltmeter I have.
Fine for a storage charge but useless otherwise.
Tomtop gave me a 50% refund but didn’t like my 50% review.
(said it was too harsh)
I’d like to try to fix it rather than just throwing it away.

Your batteries are only 3.8V when they come off the charger…. supposedly fully charged?