Test/Review of Charger USB AA-AAA

Charger USB AA-AAA

This is a very cheap unbranded usb powered charger for AA and AAA batteries, can it be used?
I found this charger at fasttech sku:1298100

No box just a plastic bag inside the shipping envelope.

The charger is powered from usb.

There is a led for each battery, they will be red when there is a batteries in the charger and off otherwise. There is no indication when the battery is full.

The front battery connection can be flipped to select between AA and AAA length slots.


  • When not connected to power it will draw below 1uA from a battery.
  • Charging start at 0 volt with 230mA and is down to 144mA at 1.5 volt.
  • Charger never stops charging.

The charger do not terminate the charging, but continous to charge. The battery will get completely filled, even if it is an old worn down battery, but it will damage LSD cells.
Due to the low current the temperature raise is very moderate.

Second channel is the same.

About 1000 minutes or about 16 hours to charge a 2500mAh cell.

The current is the same for AAA.

The total current is the sum of the two channels, there is no switching regulator in this charger.

M1: 30,8°C, M2: 30,8°C, M3: 55,7°C, HS1: 84,2°C
With the low charge current the batteries stays cool, only the charger gets warm.

M1: 37,7°C, M2: 37,4°C, M3: 53,4°C, HS1: 79,8°C
When the batteries are full they cannot accept the current anymore and converts it to heat, i.e. they are warmer. Due to the slightly higher battery voltage, the charger has less power to get rid of and is slightly cooler.

When power is turned on the charger starts charging immediatly, there is no microprocessor that needs to do some checking first.

Because the charger is supplied from usb power there will not be any safety issues with it, but be careful with the usb power adapter.

A look inside

I decided to do a fast tear down of this charger.

It was very easy do do, only 3 screws to remove.

No real electronic (i.e. transistors or chips) in the charger, only a couple of resistors and diodes.


This charger is as simple as it gets, due to the low charger current it can be used for old style NiMH and NiCd batteries, but it is not good for modern LSD (Low Self Discharge) batteries. Letting batteries stay in the charger for days will wear them down.

I will not recommend this charger for normal batteries, but for people that like to get the last life out of batteries, it might be useful to charge batteries other chargers refuses.


Here is an explanation on how I did the above charge curves: How do I test a charger

I bought a couple of these for 79 cents years ago, and liked them a lot.

Would you say that they are OK for carrying just in case, and using occasionally if needed?

Depends on you batteries, with LSD it is best not to this type charger very often.

Thanks for the the review, I have one in black colour which was targus branded.
It takes very long time to charge batteries, so I gave up using it.

Good job it’s cheap, that thing is a POS. Thanks for the review.

I bought 2 of them at 79 cents a piece several years ago, I’m hardly going to waste a $1.58 unless I get more evidence. :slight_smile:

I have a few of these types rated at 110mA and 160mA

A few of my small solar panels will not power my Eneloop USB chargers in less than full sunlight but these litte gadgets just keep working.

As you say, no smarts of any kind but I have noticed they will put a charge (sometimes down to 10-20mA) into a cell even on very cloudy days when the panel output is almost nothing.

I wouldn't use them as my first choice but if I have a couple of panels doing nothing, they are useful for putting a bit of charge back into my AAs and AAAs when camping.

Thanks HKJ for the review.

The chief advantages of this cheap little charger are

1) individual charging and charge indicators (no pairing up of cells needed)
2) no safety issues with the usual Chinese stuff as it’s not mains connected
3)totally passive design – no microprocessors

The disavantages are that you need to keep any eye on charging with LSDs. If you fancy a spot of diy charger building then try this:-


The leds show it is charging and because it never turns off the leds will stay lit when there are batteries in it and it is powered.

There are not really anything you can keep an eye on, you need a alarm clock to know when it is finished.

When I have used it, I use my test meter to read the voltage of the batteries periodically.