Ebat 18650 2500mAh E7-18P25 (Black) 2018
Official specifications:
Typical capacity: 2500mAh
Minimum capacity: 2450mAh
Nominal voltage: 3.70V
AC impedance: <20mOhm
Discharge cut-off voltage: 2.5V
Charge voltage: 4.20V
Maximum charge voltage: 4.25V
Standard charge current: 1250mA with 50mA cut-off
Maximum charge current: 4000mA with 100mA cut-off
Maximum discharge current: 20A with 2.5V cut-off
Cycle life: 500 cycles to 80% with 1250mA charge/discharge to 3.0V.
This is a high current 18650 cell.
The discharge curves matches fine. The battery can handle up to 10A, but gets too hot at 30A
The battery looks like good quality, it gets warm at high current, but can handle up to 20A.
Notes and links
The batteries was supplied by Ebat for review.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
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