Test/Review of Keeppower 18500 1700mAh (Black) 2014

Keeppower 18500 1700mAh (Black) 2014

Official specifications:

  • 18500 1700mAh Protected Rechargeable Battery
  • Min Capacity: 1620mAh
  • Typical Capacity: 1700mAh
  • Normal Voltage: 3.7V
  • Cell: Sanyo UR18500F
  • In Built Safety Circuitry
  • Maximum capacity and reliability
  • High Discharge Rate (Max 2C)
  • Protection Circuit (Against overcharge, over discharge, over current and short-circuit.)
  • 4.2 volts max voltage and 3.6-3.7 volts nominal voltage
  • Over 300 charge-discharge cycles

Keeppower has two types of 18500 batteries, this is the best one, it is based on a Sanyo cell. The other is based on a DLG cell.

The battery can handle up to 5A, but has a large voltage drop when doing that. The rating of 3.4A (2C) looks very resonable.
The over current protection prevent drawing 7A for longer time.


This is a very good battery with a good capacity.

Notes and links

The batteries was supplied by Keeppower for review.

How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries