This is a moderate capacity and current battery from LG.
The two cells tracks nicely and capacity do not drop with load, but 10A is definitely maximum current.
This battery is neither high capacity or high current, both parameters are more moderate and with a end voltage of 2.75V it looks like it is a older chemistry.
The quality looks good and if the price is right and the application do not require top capacity or power it is a fine battery.
But now? Do you think vapers or flashlight users are in the minds of those who design and manufacture these cells? Not by a long shot.
This is a cell meant to offer decent performance for the price paid which, indeed, is actually quite small even for conscious non wholesale customers (M26 at NKON).
Non top of the line cells are constantly being developed to satisfy price conscious customers, like the newer LG M29 or this quite interesting K-Tech INR18650P 2500mAh 5C which I bet comes from some good chinese OEM.
You’re right, thanks for pointing this out. I had not checked the price. I was indeed focused on high power applications.
As a matter of fact i’m using more and more garden solar lights with 18650 Li-ion cells inside and these LG M26 or M29 would certainly be good (and affordable) replacement.