PD trigger P30 (Hidance)
This device is a trigger to access PD voltages on a USB-C charger.
I got it from Aliexpress dealer: HIDANCE Official Store
There was no fancy packing or instructions included with the device, it was in a small plastic bag.
It will show output voltage, this is a measured value with low resolution.
Increasing the voltage will drop the decimal point.
When drawing current it will also show a measured current.
The trigger will remember selected PD voltage without power.
It will enabled output voltage on a PD supply when connected.
For maximum current check the specifications of the used power supply
Power consumption of trigger is 5 to 6mA
Trigger uses 3A mode.
The USB output is not coded but passed the data line through to the USB-C connector
Holding down the up or down button will start a automatic voltage selection test sequence.
Voltage drop including USB-C and USB-A connections:
Minus: 0.116V at 3A -\> 39mOhm
Plus: 0.0973V at 3A -\> 32mOhm
This is a fairly low resistance and much of it is probably from the connections.
A closer look
The trigger do not have many parts. There are two USB-C input connectors, one can be plugged directly into a USB-C PD charger, the other requires a cable. Between them is a blue led that will turn on when the PD selection works correctly. The small square chip is probably a PD interface chip, the microprocessor is hidden below the display. For local power supply there is a voltage regulator (6203A).
The current sense resistor (10mOhm) is placed next to the USB-A output connector.
Below the display is not only the microprocessor, but also a EEPROM memory chip.
The display makes this trigger very easy to use, because it will always show the output voltage, but I do not like it uses a USB-A output connector. It makes it way to easy to connect 5V only equipment to it and damage the equipment.