Sanyo UR18650ZL2 2310mAh (Red)
Testing is not done at the correct voltage, but at 4.2V
Official specifications:
Rated capacity: 2260mA
Capacity: 2310mAh
Nominal voltage: 3.6V
Discharge end voltage: 2.5V
Standard charging current: 1.155A
Charging voltage: 4.10V +/0.03V
Maximum discharge current: 10A
Cycle life: 1000 cycles to 2000mAh
This cell is a long life cell, this is done by reducing the charge voltage to 4.1V.
The two cells match nicely and can deliver the rated 10A current, due to the higher charge voltage it has more than rated capacity.

The cells looks fine and if charged correctly may have double or more lifetime compared to ordinary 4.2V LiIon batteries. This may also be the case with other LiIon batteries if they are only charged to 4.1V, but that is not part of their specifications.
Notes and links
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Graphical comparison to 18650 and other batteries
Table with all tested LiIon batteries