A protected 16340, i.e. about same size as CR123 (It is longer due to the protection).
This cell looks good at low current (i.e. \< 2A), but the cells are rather different at 3A and also very hard loaded.
As usual small cells do not get that hot.
This cell has good capacity for its size, but it is not for high current. The protection makes this suitable for replacing CR123 batteries in some devices.
Notes and links
The battery was supplied by shockli.com for review.
Thanks, but I will probably soon be reducing my publishing rate.
I am testing my last cell in queue at the current time, except I got a few batteries by the post today. I have not looked at them yet, but they will add a few weeks. I do also have a few weeks of already tested batteries, but not published yet.
No idea with regards to the cost of these, but I guess not cheap.
By the way, HKJ, we have an open discussion about soldering batteries with low temperature solders. Came to my mind it could be useful to have experimental results with regards to the actual health/performance/health impact inflicted by the soldering procedure thermal stress.
Maybe a little “before” and “after” test batch on a handful of cell formats/chemistries? Wouldn't need to be very thorough, a few cells and a few low/high rate discharge graphs can bring us pretty decent information.
I saw the thread. I do not really like that low melting point, 100C is very close to the temperature of a hot battery (Maybe it could work as an automatic disconnect )
If you are careful and fast you can solder batteries with normal solder, without any damage to the batteries.
I did not say it was easy, but possible. The problem with testing this is how much do you heat the battery to get a good test.
During my test I sometimes heat the battery to above 80C on the surface, this is considerable hotter inside.
This means I already have some numbers showing how a battery that has been hot and delivered a lot of current will perform. My 10W power test is performed after the 20A/30A test and I have capacity and energy values in my logfiles.
VTC6 at 3A discharge: 2.94mAh 10.60Wh
VTC6 at 10W discharge: 2.85mAh 10.31Wh
Above is for the B cell where I measured 91C after the 30A discharge
If there is interest I can dig out the numbers for a few more cells, but ask in the other thread.
Where are these sold? I have a weapon light that uses CR123A (Olight PL-1 II Valkyrie) and am looking for a 16340 rechargeable for it with maximum runtime. These look to fit the bill.