TrustFire IMR26650 4200mAh (Red-gold) 2019
Official specifications:
Brand: Trustfire
Model: IMR 26650
Capacity: 4200mah
Type: Li-ion battery
Voltage: 3.7V
Watt hour: 15.54Wh
Maximum discharge current: 45A
Size: 26.16*66mm
A 26650 battery rated for a very high current.
The two cells are not perfectly matched, but they can easily deliver the rated capacity. One cell died during a 30A discharge, I stopped the other due to temperature.
The batteries are not perfectly matched and cannot deliver the rated current, it is probably a good idea to stay below 20A, but they do have the rated capacity.
Notes and links
The batteries was supplied by Trustfire for review.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Graphical comparison to 18650 and other batteries
Table with all tested LiIon batteries