Vapcell INR16340 850mAh T8 (Cyan) 2020
Official specifications:
Model: INR16340 850mah 3A (RCR123A)
Size: 16.4*34.0mm
Type: button top
Nominal voltage: 3.60V
End-of-charge voltage: 4.20V
End-of-discharge Voltage: 2.5V
Typical Capacity: 850mAh (0.2C discharge)
Min capacity: 820mAh (0.2C discharge)
Weight: Max:20g
Internal resistance: Max:65m? ?AC 1kHz?
Standard Charge: 500mA,CCCV 50mA cut-off
Quick Charge Current:1000mA
Max Continuous Discharge Current: 3A
A 16340 LiIon cell with up to 4.2V
The two cells are not perfect matches. The easily handles 1A.

The cell has very good capacity for the size, at least for current at 1A or lower.
With the cells not perfectly matches and unprotected it is best to use the one at a time and not in series.
Notes and links
This cell has the same size as CR123 cells, but is not a direct replacement (See here for more information)
The batteries was supplied by Vapcell for review.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Graphical comparison to other LiIon batteries
Table with all tested LiIon batteries