XHData 18650 2500mAh (Cyan)
Official specifications:
Nominal Capacity: 2500mAh
Min Capacity: 2100mAh
Norminal Voltage: 3.7V
Standard Charging Current: 0.5C
Charge Ending Voltage: 4.2V
Standard Discharging Current: 1C
Max.Continuous Discharging: 10C
Max.Short Time Discharging: 30A
Discharge Ending Voltage: 2.75V
Standard Charging Time: 5-6h
Rapid Charging Time: 2.0-2.5h
Impedance: <20mOhm
Battery Weight: about 45g
Operation Temperature: 20-60°C
Some batteries from Ebay rated for high current. The capacity specification has a rather wide range.
There is a small difference between the cells in capacity and they can only handle about 10A
This battery is not very impressive in capacity and current handling, it works fine for a few amps, but the chemistry is not for high currents.
Notes and links
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Graphical comparison to 18650 and other batteries
Table with all tested LiIon batteries