Used the battery a bit, charged it in ML-102 and discharged in my flashlight.
Finished my battery holder for a Turnigy Accucel 6 and tested the batteries.
Charged one battery on Turnigy Accucel 6, it trips the protection when charging, showed 4.12V with my DMM, but yes my charger even when set to Lion 4.1V does like to go even up to 4.25V to speed up the final charging and charges the unprotected batteries high.
No temperature raise during charging or discharging.
Discharge capacity at 1A from fully charged 4.12V down to Turnigy claimed 2.9V, once I took the battery off and measured it with DMM it had 3.5V or so. I’ve seen it at 2.95V with DMM once when my flashlight told me to change it, so there certainly is still some charge.
Discharge capacity at 1A: 2563mAh / #1
As expected a very good battery, will pull 2.8A on a 8*7135 driver but not for long, driver/LED heat up? Or battery can’t deliver the needed voltage?
Anyway it is a long battery with the protection and a button top, think 69.6mm. Does fit into an ML-102 charger with a little push in.
Came with a clear transport box, wrapped in bubble wrap and bubble envelope.
Will test the second cell after finishing Trustfire 26650 5000mAh.
It seems to have the claimed 2600mAh, when fully charged and fully discharged even at not so modest 1A.
Because sanyo 2800mAh, should be charged to 4,35V to have 2800mAh capacity. Battery protection allow only about 4,2V. So 2600mAh could have more mAh than 2800mAh.
Search Sanyo UR18650ZT I believe, they are newer 4.3V cells, been asking similar questions before buying the 2600mAh, look around you will find it
They are not bad but are 4.3V and won’t give you 2800mAh without going to 4.3V and maybe even then they might be slightly over rated.
Cannot, covered it in another thread somewhere, I have a limited version that has Lixx internal resistance testing, can’t be calibrated by entering the startup configuration mode by holding buttons, I have tried all combinations before. Only option would be to modify the firmware or adjust the sensing resistors or something, none of my equipment is calibrated so it’s impossible anyway.
It also doesn’t have logging output, only temp. probe in the options.
hmm - any more info on this? I have 4x of these which I ran in my firefoxes 3 in series which supposedly pulled 4a fine… the cells got warm but i didnt notice any sag?
I am running the same 4x in my skyray king now but i guess the currents much less because the 4 of them are in parallel.
I am curious now, I think I might throw mine on my hobby charger this weekend to see whats up lol.
Well I have only one flashlight, sure I could dig out some resistors and measure Amps with my DMM, I’m quite sure the battery can supply tons of Amps, at least if you look at discharge graphs in some other tests, they do test it at 5A.
I think it is the driver or emitter in my flashlight, it overheats quickly with so many Amps, heat rises, resistance increases, Amps go down.
Did you measure that internal resistance using the new Turnigy Accucel 6 LiXX Internal Resistance feature?
How do you do that for a single cell? I tried, but it does not give me any value - seems that I need a balance lead as well? On your picture, it seems you are using a special balance lead (with only two wires) - could you elaborate on that?
Yes, I’m not sure how accurate it is, if you have a precise/calibrated DMM and a resistor of appropriate value you can measure it that way.
I use the Turnigy’s feature.
Yes you need to connect it to the balance port obviously
That is how it works, charging port is for power, charge, discharge.
Balance port is for monitoring cells, measuring cells, balancing cells (low current).
Just connect the battery correctly to the balance port. From right: GND, cell1, cell2, …
Find the UR18650F, or rather get the specs from the source you’re buying them from, who knows what they are selling, they should inform the buyer.
If you already have them, just test them to find out capacity and so on.