There must be some way to test runtime accurately w/o having to remain in sight of the light so that you can note when it shuts off.
The first thing that comes to mind is to get a USB meter, or any meter that logs really...but I don't have those, yet...
I suppose I could rework the trick I picked up for testing battery capacity before I had a discharger - put a clock in the circuit w/ an additional load - but since my only analog clock uses 1AA cell it is a little more complicated to test a light than it was to test a cell (and even then, obviously, the data is only useful when compared w/ tests done w/ the same system)
you could rig a photocell like those found in a cheap nightlight (the kind that turn on when the lights go out) and set it up so that when the light goes out, it starts your clock.
that's a BRILLIANT idea. in fact, I already have photo sensitive screw ins for light bulb sockets, and screw in light bulb sockets that have an AC outlet in them. put the two together and plug a clock in...
probably take me two hours to find them and 5 minutes to set it up lol
record time of day, turn light on, clock turns off and resets - when the light shuts off clock when you get around to checking on it you can tell what time it quit...