Texas_Ace MT09R Modding thread, 20k+ lumens, 80CRI, can start fires? Yes please.

Okay then, sorry :slight_smile:

I agree with Jason… look at the fenix light for an example… fenix could have use xhp70.2 in their tk72r… but yea. They are holding to it… fenix tk72r with xhp70.2 will be out eventually.

Yes, I would be surprised if they don’t use it in the MT03 and I would be just as surprised if they pay my the licensing fee for it (which is a bargain for the boost in sales a TA driver offers).

Yes, they should be using double springs like the early MT07. I have had several long talked about this with them.

I have a Skype meeting tomorrow night with Haikelite China. I will see if I can find out all the plans other than the new driver design.

And let the modding begin for this week.

I am trying to do as much as possible before the drivers show up and the lights from Terry so I don’t get too far behind.

The first one up was TSO’s light. He had ordered a driver from me before and then decided he wanted to upgrade the LED’s as well so he sent the light to me for that.

I got the LED’s swapped out for some 5700k P2 bin emitters and the results are a solid 22k lumens. I also reflashed his driver with the latest version of the 100% ramp firmware since I am not sure what version was on it before.

I should be able to get this in the mail today as well unless the mail lady is early.

I think I have one more light here that does not need a driver and then several I will get the bypasses out of the way on and swap the LED’s so they are ready for a quick driver install later.

Just so every one is aware, going forward I will be rounding down my numbers a bit more then I was.

I want to be known as the brand that you look up the reviews on to see how much over the rated specs you are getting instead of seeing how much you are being screwed.

This light I would of rated at 22.5k-23k previously. It peaks on my sphere at ~23.4k on a cold light, fresh cells and fresh LED’s (as I posted before all these latest flip chip LED’s have a break in period over the first several hours of use).

I am slowly dialing in my desired under-rating as time goes by and I see how other peoples lumen readings of these lights come out. Ideally I want the vast majority of them to get higher numbers then I publish. So I will keep de-rating the lights until that happens, although the actual performance is the same.

They are just numbers anyways, what matters is how they work in the real world and I doubt anyone will complain about that.

Sounds good to me. :+1:
So did you finally get to see the green variant of the MT09R?

Yea I want under rated numbers so when I got the light I’ll be like “no way this is xxxx lumens. That’s way more than that”
Just like when I got the car that’s rated for 300 but it’s really 320 in real world testing.

Awesome! Can’t wait to get it :slight_smile:
Thanks, Ace!

Yep, TSO’s light was a green one, it is a very interesting shade of green. I sure have never seen it on a light before and would not mind adding one to my collection.

Personally I think the blue edges it out just slightly for me, that deep royal blue look is so sleek.

Pretty sure I will get one of each before this is over though, might sell my black one to make room.

Assuming by “This light” you are talking about mine, the green MTO9R just needed the LED’s, the one you referred to in your post just above. If so, nice to know it peaked at 23.4K :slight_smile:

Exactly, I am not aiming at the low end walmart shoppers that just buy off the number on the box, I am aiming at real flashlight enthusiast and they know that the number on the box is just a number.

Kind of like the R33/R34 skylines with “280hp” that are putting down more like 320. Most people ignored them but those that knew, knew.

Yep, it is yours :wink:

I got the green to sort of match my Green Emisar collection :slight_smile:
They are actually very close - will post photos when it arrives.


And TBH I don’t even know why I need 20k lumens lol. My daily usage range are around 600- 1000 lumens. But it’s good to know I have extra 18k to use lol.

I buy high power flashlight to use at its lows. So it can last and be practical.
Buying a 1000 lumen light use it at 1000 lumen doesn’t work at all, too many factor such as heat will kick you back down to its safe range or the battery die after a few short hours… you have the light for 1000 you needed but it doesn’t stay 1000 all time.

you need to buy 2000-3000 max lumen and use at 1000 in order for it to work if you’re going to need the consistent 1000 all time.

So why am I wanting a 22k light? Ummmm… it’s bright and cool lol

I’ve been pondering the topic of getting good tint. I’m wondering is there a way you can order emitters with a specific tint. For example, the Emisar lights sold at MTN and Intl-Outdoor have specific tints you can choose. I bought several 5D tint Emisars and Noctigon Meteor and and 3A Emisar from them and they all have very nice rosy tint. My 5Ds are even rosier than the Nichia 219b 4000k but just lacking in CRI.

Does anyone know how they order specific tinted emitters for the Emisars and Noctigon Meteors?

I Detect a Skyline owner…

It is also a must have if you need to flag down a passing airliner.

You can get specific tint of some Cree LED’s (And nichia) but you have to buy the LED’s by the reel to do that and even then it is either take what they have on hand or wait a few months for them to make some for you, in which case you need to be ordering multiple reels.

So for me sadly I am limited to what I can find from distributors and they generally get the more generic tints to appeal to a wider audience.

Also just like there is a lottery with the LED output, there is also a one for the tint, although it is more from reel to reel vs led to led. You can order the same model and get noticeably different tints.

Now in the future if I had a use for a reel of LED’s you can bet I would get the best tint and type I could find :wink: