The BEAST - TN31 (6.5A) Vinh light has arrived and tested - WOW!!!!

Ilikeflashlights - dude you are correct! These newly modded Vinh 6.5A lights are SERIOUS throwers. And seriously powerful for a single XML2 emitter light.
I just received one in today, 2nd hand from another member, and charged up my batteries for testing. Put in my fresh set of Keeppower protected 3400mah cells. Stuck it in my lightbox -
Start up - 1795 lumens
30 seconds - 1740 lumens
As a comparison, we have a similar modded TN31, but running with stock driver. It puts out 1115 at 30 seconds on my meter. My other TN31 with full dome XML2 and stock driver - 1275 at 30 seconds. So this sucker is smoking a nicely modded domed TN31 by almost 500 lumens. As a note, both these other TN’s we also done by Vinh before he stared doing driver mods in them.
Now for the good stuff. Yes it gets better than 1740 lumens. The throw on this thing is unreal! Fortunately I have a good baseline to compare this sucker too - a TN31mb. And before you ask, yes we love TN31’s :slight_smile:
Anyway, with fresh batteries in both, did testing at 15m inside since it wasn’t 100% dark outside yet. Tested with two meters, one $35 meter and one $130 Extech meter. Tested both lights about 5 times over about 2 minutes, one meter after the other. This is the LOWER numbers I was getting -
TN31mb - 434K
TN31 6.5A - 510K
Yes my new TN31 with a XML2 spanked my TN31mb’s butt. Easily. And has twice the lumens to boot. And as a note - my numbers tonite are within a couple percent of Saablusters official test numbers for my TN31mb. Oh the extra bonus, in my eyes, is that my Xml2 TN31 isn’t nearly as warm as the TN31mb. Pretty nice tint I’d say in the 4500-5000K range. The seller said it was suppose to be about 4500K, sounds about right.
Well that’s it folks. Thought you guys would like to know how these beasts are truly doing. I know a lot of members are looking at getting one of these or the K40’s. You won’t regret it guys - awesome lights!!!
Oh, brother and I already have plans this weekend for a big flashlight beamshot event - this sucker will be a GREAT addition to the fun.

Pictures or it never happened. :wink:

Now you know what all the fuss is about!

You got a flashlight that very few can beat in throw.

I just now read that.

I love it! :bigsmile:

Yea I think he’s just talking. LOL!

Wow, wow, wow! You two are really making me want a TN31 to mod! :D

JM. How about one off your other lights? Could be a chance to start a new trend.

So now we know I was right about the 500K statement. I knew I was close. So we will call it 510K on the vinhnguyen54 dedomed XM-L2 6.5 amp TN31.

And thanks for confirming that I was right. I know some thought I was nuts.

This is the best I can do until this weekend. My three TN31’s

Ceiling spot -
left - 6.5A TN31 XML2 dedome, on copper
center - TN31, stock driver, XML2 full dome, on copper
right - TN31mb, stock driver, XPG2 dedome, on copper

Real beamshots to follow this weekend along with many other serious contenders. We should have 20-25 lights if all goes as planned. Including FF4 on the way.

This thing will out throw your FF4.

For sure, it looks like that is “only” getting low 400k from the stuff I have been seeing. Still impressive for such a small light.

It does have me wondering what can be done with a TN30. perhaps the driver can be upgraded the same as the TN31. If so there may be some changes in its future.

I would say Vinh could easily get around 200K by dedoming 3 XM-L2’s and giving it the works.

Cooooool :slight_smile: 510K sounds Crazyyyyyyyy LOL

Thanks for all your work!

Start up – 1795 lumens
30 seconds – 1740 lumens

sounds like my 1800 LED lumen was a low guess.

Last night I turn on my factory SR91 that my GF got me a long time ago and I thought it broken. The thing was so dimmmmm. Then I was like aw man all the K40s and Tn31s ruined it for me. I now think 70K lux is broken! LOL

Very cool light Vinh. It kills the old ones you modded for me and my brother. I’m certainly no official tester, but feel free to reference my numbers from the test tonite. For certain my numbers clearly show your new TN31 mods easily beat the TN31mb.

You guys really bummmmm me out :weary:
My thrower is a dedomed XM-L2 T08….100k if Im lucky

Is the K40 as good as the TN31 as far as the features. One better than the other?

Alex1234 gave me the bug to get one of these and am having a hard time resisting!

the k40 will have a slightly larger hot spot. that could be a plus or minus to you. i think the slightly larger hot spot will make it more useful. not sure what kind of numbers it will produce, but i would bet it would still be over 400kcd

edit: i would be willing to bet the tn31 is made by Supbeam.

I think Vinh said that it was not the much of a difference of throw. There was some, but he thought that the small size of the K40 was the way to go. He said that he would also pick the K40 over it if it was his choice. Wait a bit, I think there are a few guys who will have both in their hands soon!

Congrats on your monster thrower! Do you know what current sense resistors are being used in Vinhn’s TN31? Was the stock XM-L2 led the one that was dedomed?

it is amazing, I need tell guys, if want to mod the TN31, you must choose the TN31 XM-L2,