The BLF GT70 "Giggle Monster" is here! 7,500lumens, 1,500m throw! Group buy Closed!

1A should be around 6000k IIRC, I don’t generally work with LED’s that cool.

P2 to N4 should be around a 7% bump in output on paper but in the real world there is also a 7% tolerance on the LED’s.

So it is possible for a low performing P2 to make the same or less lumens then a well preforming N4 bin. Although this is unlikely.

Basically it would be the difference between 7500 lumens and 7000 lumens as a rule in this light all else being the same.

People are wanting throw and throw, but man at 1800 meters what can you see ? I like the way the 70.2 GT 70 just throws a beam of fat light…. It seems more useful to have a thrower and a flooder in one…… That head still makes me scratch my head it’s like double the size of the Thrunite TN42 head…… It is a conversation piece and everyone that sees it says holy Toledo…….

I just inspected a warehouse that can hold 8 pallets stacked high and throwing the beam in total darkness the 10 story tall roof was like daylight…… It is a top light for a professional needing some light…… Very impressive ……

What is the real world difference between the N4 bin & the P2 bin???
The 3A part sounds great.

TA posted:

That’s not too bad at all. I’m in for NW if we settle on 3A. If it’s 3C purely cause it’s P2, then I’d probably switch to the CW.

Correct, lux readings would jump an equal ~7% as well.

I do not plan to use the 3C, I hate “C” and “B” tints with a passion. I would gladly take the lower output for the better tint and I think most others that want NW would agree.

Best situation would be a P2 but we will see what they find.

How about thermal grease? Which one should be taken when changing? :question:

Yeah, agreed. Thanks for the answer.

Filled out the form for:

1 x GT70 (NW)
2 x Spare Carriers
1 x Spare Reflector (maybe)
1 x Spare Lens
8 x 30Q Batteries (Depending on Price)

Would also be interested in:

Bag, Cap and Strap

I just did that shaved-dome XHP70.2 mod I talked about a while ago with the aspheric lens and even with a wavien collar it’s not that impressive.
I wouldn’t recommend putting an aspheric lens in this light like people are doing with the original BLF GT, unless of course you swap out the LED.

The beam is bright at 12 amps (6v XHP70.2) but doens’t get great throw, I can tell even without measuring it.
Round beam turns into a big square quickly due to the size of the XHP70.2 and unless it’s unfocused you can see the dark cross.
The 5700k light is very yellow with the collar, so a 6500K or higher LED is necessary.
Focusing the collar on it is also hard because it’s not a flat surface and it’s all covered in yellow making it pretty much impossible to see when it is in focus properly.

I’ll post some beam shots in a separate thread another day but I thought I would just mention here that XHP70.2 + aspheric lens = not a great idea :confused:

Basically any thermal grease can be used, I use some cheap $1 tube off ebay and it works fine and I use CPU paste and it works ass well. I kind of like the white silicone based stuff for flashlights better, it is not as messy.

Can’t say I am surprised, I kind of expected this.

On the other hand I have one of those optics you suggested sitting next to my desk now along with a wavien collar from the GB you ran and have plans of putting them together. Just laying the optic over the glass already produced an impressive beam at close ranges.

Did you ever build an XHP35 optic thrower with the GT? What were the results if you did?

Form filled out for
2 upgrade kits
1-2 extra lens if they come available

I would prefer 5A/D tints, 4A/D are ok too if they dont wan to use that warm tints.
But for NW I would use a warmer NW and no a 3A/D Tint.

3 A / 3D is a much ’Truer Neutral White’ than 5A/D or 4A/D will ever be.


Next Update July 21, 2018

Thank you hazG… looking good!! :+1:

I dont have a GT or XHP35 HI but it should work fine with a collar and lens. A lot easier to focus than an xhp70.2 but still not as nice as with an LED that has no silicone, like a black flat or cft90.

I was hoping for a bright beam using the xhp70.2 but even though it’s bright immediately after exiting the flashlight it spreads out and dims quickly, which is to be expected with lower lux. The beam doesn’t travel as far.

I may try doing a cft90 build using the optolife lens to make a cool bright beam, but after that I’m definitely switching to laser phosphor.

People should stick with a reflector for the xhp70.2 and focus on using it for flood rather than beam.

Personally I would prefer this as well but finding a good bin / tint is proving difficult.

They settled on the 3A N4 last night

I might see if they can also offer a warmer 5A/4D tint as well but I am not sure if there would be enough demand to make it worth it.

3A N4 is 5000K-5500K roughly, correct? 5A or 5D would be my preference, with 4D being acceptable.

OK… so if I read correctly, the emitters will be.

  • XHP70.2 / 1A Tint and P2 bin for Cool white version.
  • XHP70.2 / 3A Tint and N4 bin for Neutral white version.

Excellent…. :+1: