The BLF GT70 "Giggle Monster" is here! 7,500lumens, 1,500m throw! Group buy Closed!

lol you guessed it! Only techies here can afford it. Young Apple and Google guys here make even more than doctors twice their age.

/\ … Amen, same for Alabama!! :+1:

Shot a video tonight not the best but I have the BLF GT70 with the 5000k CRI74 from Texas Ace and also with the Acebeam K70 and the Thrunite Catapult V6……

I used my oil filter removal tool to tighten the head back again……… just the front cap was hard to remove. I rather have it tight than loose…… :wink:

It becomes sharp at the end of the video….

Thanks for the video Manny… very impressive light!!! . :+1: . :beer:

Thanks for the video. Gt 70.2 is a beast… video quality get better at the end.

Nice video, I have gotten so spoiled by the GT I forget just how much of a beast it is.



No additional pieces

I am sore. I have been working out on my chest, shoulder, biceps, and forearm… today I try to hold the blf gt and feel like the light doesn’t have any weight on it… lol… the light feel like I am holding a plate from the buffets.

lol, Been awhile since I have been able to workout properly.

Submitted reservation - one GT70 NW

Re-quoting the picture to entice more people :stuck_out_tongue:

@Kit Latura: From the picture it looks like the dedomed tint is ±5000K. What bin XHP70.2 did you dedome, and how did you dedome it? Also, do you prefer the dedomed beam above the normal domed XHP70.2?

Ok, everyone, a bit of an update on the search for the XHP70.2.

They have found XHP70.2 1A Tint and P2 bin emitters for the Cool white version.

For the NW version we are still looking.

They found a 3A N4 bin emitter but I would prefer a P2 bin

They found a P2 bin but it is a 3C tint that will have a bit of a green hue.

At this point if nothing better shows up the 3A is the best option IMO but I told them to keep looking.

Once these are finalized I will add them to the OP.

What is the reason Lumintop can’t simply buy a reel of LEDs from CREE?
Has CREE no stock?

Correct, there is no stock and they would have to be custom made. They can do this but it would take 2-3 months for the LED’s alone and that is longer then they can wait since the rest of the light should be ready much quicker then that.

Also, they would not be using enough of them to make a whole reel worth it at this point, particularly if offering both CW and NW tint options.

I like my 5000k 70cri N4 it has a feel of a neutral white…… It has a bit of blue tint to it and the color is very natural…… I don’t know if de-doming will help me, because the wall of light that comes out of this thing is wild…… and I don’t think need more throw than 1,000 yards……

I think dome on is better… the led is getting alot of benefit with the big reflector…

I’m still new to all the LED bins and codes. How cool is 1A? 6500K? And how much better is P2 bin vs N4 bin? I tried looking at a datasheet, but I don’t entirely understand what I’m looking at I suppose.