A C8 from Ali express came with a lattice bright XML emitter.
Seller asked me to show him the emitter is not cree.
Which is the best way to do that, comparing that with an original one or tell him about the current draw?
I made pictures and a screenshot of the CREE and LB comparison in the first post.
using a paint like program have them all three visible and add some text to it pointing to the differences.
That makes it pretty clear.
Here is an example I used in a succesfull AliExpres dispute.
I use a clip on thingy for phones to make the pics of the leds (bought it for about $3.50 ~ $4 at AliExpress was worth every penny, since it allowed me to get roughtly $100 back from fake advertised flashlights)
Ah it was even cheaper, now this is a worthy investment with 2500% profit
Edit: comparing it with crrent draw is very technical, keep in mind that if you escalate a dispute the AE team cannot be assumed flashlight axperts, a clear image as above proves in one view that you are being dubed. No technical knowledge needed, even a 3 year old kid can see that you are right. The seller will know this as well so by starting a dispute with a pic like this they are likelit to accept your proposal instead of being showed as bad sellers to the AE system. Just read all the messages about your dispute carefully and only click ACCEPT when the solution is to your liking.
I have had a dispute where the seller wanted it all bak and AE offered $5 refund no shipping as first solution on a $15 order.
I made my points again, submitted the same pics and AE changed the solution to $10 refund no shipping back.
As response I again posted pics, and added proof that is had a LB LED and the outcome was a full refund no shipping back.
Once accepted you cannot re open it.
interesting… that one on the far left looks like it has an even smaller die than the original Latticebright fake. I wonder if LB now building their XM-L fakes with even smaller dies with less output?
I’ve seen some that are much worse than others, with the different die sizes, in addition to those with the phosphor overspray. I suspect that there are companies other than Latticebright who are manufacturing counterfeits.
That is possible too, as i have some random XP-E cloned of various styles that are not Cree.
Top image in the OP edited with new added image of a third XM-L Fake variant provided by The Miller.
That settles it. If Fasttech’s policy is to reject reviews that point out that fake products are being marketed as the real thing then I cannot continue to buy from Fasttech. Simple as that.
It does seem that they should delete the whole product description page, not just the review. They should then thank us for pointing out that their supplier has swindled them.
From my old email, it appears that the light I found the fake in really did come from FastTech. It is SKU 1864903 and it was order number B011757857.
Their email suggested that they might publish my review with superficial changes, so I wouldn’t give up on them yet, even if you expect a lot from them. How excited should one get over a faulty $10.24 product?
I have not followed this thread enough to know if there are other Fasttech examples.
Added: One of their rules is not to post reviews of items no longer in production. So that is probably why they didn’t post my review. I don’t know when it became out of stock. As far as I know, it is possible that they withdrew it when the realized it had a fake LED, but maybe it was already out of stock and out of production.
Back in 02-2015 I bought a “Convoy C8 Cree XM-L T6-3C 2-Group 3/5-Mode LED Flashlight” from Fasttech. The
FT page shows an earlier version, the one I received is exactly like THIS .
To my inexperienced eyes it looks more like a XM-L2 than an XM-L. It doesn’t show up but the texture- that I was unable to capture w/my camera- looks exactly like this (from Post #220 ):
The color has no bluish tint at all. It seems to be what the FT description says, as far as color/tint goes. Below are a couple images of the LED that I took:
I would appreciate it is the experts here would hazard a guess as to whether this is a Cree or a clone/counterfeit.
Thanks in advance.
that looks like an XM-L2. (especially if its a genuine Convoy.) you probably got a better emitter than advertised. (newer generation)
Thanks DBSAR. Would you (or anyone else) happen to know where I can buy the plastic insulator/spacer that fits between the reflector and LED for the same flashlight? The cat made off w/mine…
RMM at Mountain has all you need here. LED Insulation Gaskets / Reflector Spacers
Thanks again! Turns out Fasttech also has them. Need sooner than they will ship, especially during Chinese new year shut-down.
RMM doesn’t have that style… The C8 reflector has a larger opening and needs a wider spacer.
Saw that too. Ended up going w/FT and will just have to wait them out.
Hey !
i got a light from Kaidomain with a "funny" LED in it:
- square bond wire pads
- pad from ESD wire is upside down??
- missing "dot" in the lower left corner
makes near 800 Lumen @ 2,5 A
That is fairly impressive performance for a clone and not a million miles away from what I’d expect from a genuine Cree LED.
Is the pattern of dots on the die different from a genuine XM-L2 too?
That looks like the LB clone of the XM-L2 i seen. (also on the latticebright web page.) http://www.latticebright.com/En/cpzs1/2016-01/21/NewsView-283.html
I bought a cheap “878 Cree XM - L T6 5 - Mode 1000Lm” flashlight from Gearbest http://www.gearbest.com/led-flashlights/pp_15293.html as my first 18650 flashlight (I will probably get a better flashlight once I get more disposable income). At first glance the led looked like a XM-L, but looking more closely it is a Latticebright! As we say here, Me vendieron gato por liebre…
The brightness is not bad, but the driver seems to have become defective, most of the times I only get the high mode.
I got a pair of good batteries from mtn electronics and a VC4 charger, so don’t be concerned.
That is definitely not a genuine Cree, likely a latticebright or other fake clone.
Also welcome to BLF forums!