The "Fire" Bucket.

I’m seeing more and more ” _ _ _ _ fire” lights showing up almost every month.
I was fine with Surefire, Trustfire, and Ultrafire. but thats the limit.

  • Now we have Surefire, Trustfire, Ultrafire, Fandyfire, Uniquefire, Supfire, Singfire, Uranusfire, Fartfire, and it keeps growing. ( have i missed any more ? )
    When will this fire-bucket run out of names from these knock-off sellers trying to sell us a piece of their duplicated pie ?

Still probably lots to go before the xFire well runs dry. We still have yet to see CampFire, FriendlyFire, ReadyAimFire or LiarLiarPantsOnFire. We should be taking bets :wink:

There will be more. Many, many more. S)

Why is there HolyFire and no HellFire? :weary:

Hellfire wouldn’t be a horrible name.

I still think there’s a hidden message to be deciphered in Sunwayman’s naming scheme. Something about a guy named Mr. Elfin overthrowing the world with a Dolphin Revolution. We won’t be laughing when we’re all under the yoke of our new Dolphin overlords. No siree.

+1, these are infinitely better than fandyfire and uranusfire.

Also, dibs on MisFire.

There’s one Bear Fire at wallbuys :smiley:

But, I thought bears were supposed to prevent fires :frowning:

Necromantia in the thread!!! :smiling_imp:



Funny how Thorfire doesn’t fit this list :smiley:

the actual list is already here. - The great list of "****fire" Flashlights. which includes Thorfire and Surfire. :smiley:

Damn, I knew there was a bigger one :smiley:
Maybe you can you can put the Walkefire there too :wink:
And there was once the MarsFire as well :disappointed:

Added. :+1:

WindyFire makes high drain 18350s that I’ve heard are actually great.

I claim the ButtFire brand name.
But I’m not allowed to post the logo pic on public forums.
Slogan: The brand you trust to use where the sun don’t shine.


Illumination from where the light shouldn't shine.

There’s always Doubtfire.

That was a BLF GT clone she’s holding, but it was photoshopped into a feather-duster.

Probably by Steve Spielberg…

Fantastic. Someone out there please do this :smiley:

Didn’t they already come close with UranusFíre?

I resemble that fire! Wonder how many Lumens that would produce. Hack. Hack!