The Flood - 120degree , The Throw - 10degree and The Anduril - BLF Lantern configurated.
Hardware : ATtiny85 and MEL7135 for each channel.
Raw concept demo:
Made D25 driver design with 3x7135 for each channel. Total output 1A. Its fine for headlamp. Button led support. Compatible with BLF lantern FW.
Looks like it would fit my Yinding, though you’d have to change it to separated stars. It use 20 mm optics.
The Yinding is discontinued (a favorite budget light of the mtbr lights and night riding forum), but the Gemini Duo and some other bike lights are the same form factor. I have a dead Duo at home, but I’m not going to be home for a long time.
Probably , but it have some nasty driver shape and i have no measurements. Best way is to make new headlamp for this design and im pretty sure it will be done , its just matter of time.
Maybe its a good start for BLF headlamp? ;))
No I can do that. I just need a schematic diagram to make sure that I am doing it right. The og one. No real work needed. Its not a super complicated board. I also saw the K2 supposed diagram. I might try that too.
As you say, its simple. PWM signal on 2 dedicated pins/channels. You can use some 7135 in parallel for each channel or just Nfets if no stabilization needed. Similar schema:
I was thinking of just think of 2 channels of 3 7135 to run the lights. like you do. I just wanted to add in rgb and andruil 2. I havent actual tore it down yet. So. I am hopeful I can preserve the charging function.
I want to add more function. like aux lights. and everything else that comes. and I also ordered a fw3a. So it will be good practice if I need to upgrade the driver in that
That has some working attiny1634 pinouts, but for any new projects, I’d recommend using attiny1616 if possible.
I’m also planning to rename that file soon, since it gets used on several different torches. I’ll probably call it “emisar-2ch-tintramp”. Or maybe “emisar-2ch-blend” or something like that. I’m still figuring out the naming scheme.
So I finally got my first Andruil flashlight… ts25 from wurrkos. Love it. Pretty much what I want out of a flashlight.
I am going to use the at 1616… maybe 2 chan ramp. Since everyone calls it tint ramping. I am going to use a 2 chan switching over ramping. Since its going to be a camping flashlight. I dont need a turbo. May be I might try to add one for the white channel