The King of Knives (Aust. only)

For Aussies only.
Evidently the “King of Knives” Australia wide has gone into receiver-ship and they are selling
everything at least 70% off. Picked up a 2D incan mag for $15 and a couple of knives really cheap.
Had quite a range of severely over-priced LedLenser torches and accessories and some leatherman tools.
The manger of the store I went to was open to offers and I assume as time gets close to the end, maybe even cheaper. She said they had 2 weeks to go.

Thanks for the heads up.

Franchise stores are excluded.
Not all company stores are doing 70% off (example being Miranda being 50%)
I.T manager is now busy creating a link to the stores that are participating and what their discount is after a polite inquiry via phone from one self :slight_smile:

Hope this helps others.

You just cost me $102.00 Mr 929. Thanks. I’d say a lot of stock and some brand names where of the shelf at the Ringwood store I went to in Melbourne.

Nothing in Sydney stores.
Literally no…
Led Lenser
Japanese knives

Anything of reputable creed has been credited with the wholesalers.

Appears that the only thing stores here have is “Bismarck” branded stuff, which literally is their in house brand !