The math just does not add up

I am using a $50 charger to charge $30 worth of batteries to power a $20 light…

$30 for the batteries + $20 for the light = $50 for the charger

(>0.0)> … v_v

Only $30 of batteries? Only a $20 light?

Thats because you did the wrong math.

You use a 50$ chargers to charge 10pcs (about 150$) batteries to power 500$ worth of flashlights.

I dont see a problem? :P

Haha very true. I was just thinking about this specific instance. I should take value inventory to see what I have…or maybe not lol.

What is this, CPF? Who here is paying $15 PER cell?

would you rather use $20 charger to charge $50 worth batteries for powering $30 light :stuck_out_tongue:

Depending on the light the math only gets worse! 2 - $50 chargers for $40 of batteries for a $200 light! I should have stuck to collecting Pez dispensers!

and this coming from a biz dealer lol



I figured you all of people would appreciate the irony. I am of course referring to my personal expenditures. Before BLF I was happy in my warm Zebra cocoon. Now I need them all and the batteries and chargers to go with it. Why do you think I keep my prices so reasonable. I understand! hahaha.

Meh… I use a $300 charger to charge free batteries to go in $2 to $200 lights…

Well now I want a $300 charger it should be at least 6 times nicer than mine. :slight_smile: What are you using?

I use this. It is actually two chargers in one box. They can be paralleled for 70 amp charge rates.

They also have its baby brother that does 50 amps:

Enquiring minds do what to know. I'm using 3xi4 chargers, 2xi2 chargers, and one soshine charger. The soshine was the most expensive at $28 iirc, the others, $12-$18.

I agree, BLF forum is most responsible for this addiction, admin should be held responsible for all this unnecessary expenditures, he never posted a clearly labeled warning “association on this forum can lead to weird forms of addiction” J)

I seek compensation from admin also >)

That’s some cool stuff. What kind of cradle are you using for the various sizes?

Depends on the cell, but for a quality protected cell thats normal. I use unprotected cells which cost me between 5€ (Sanyo UR18650FM) to 10€ (NCR18650B with button top) per piece. Not from China but from Germany.

For 18650 cells, I built up some holders out of cheap Chinese battery holders and added balancing leads that go to those miserable JST connecters that are the standard of RC LIPO packs/chargers. The biggest one that I build was for 8S charging. I usually power the charger off a small 28V/11 amp switcher, but can hook up a 28.8V/55 amp supply (two precision 12V lead acid compatible supplies in series).

That Duo308 looks rather nice for the price. It even has a dedicated USB charger output.

Two X $25 chargers to charge $420 worth of 18650 for 7 torches that are worth $900!!

Total:$1370 !!!

Eight[8] of the 18650 are for my TK-75 w/ battery kit ext. That I have only used 3 times! Plan on getting more use of them this winter,Siberian likes snow/ cold,more turbo time!

These are the ones I use regularly!! Not counting 7 or 8 other ones!