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I was sitting here with hardly no sleep thinking what is the most i have spent on one flashlight and i came to the conclusion i am a tight arse!
Out of my 35 flashlights i believe the most i have spent on one light is around $75 Aussie dollars this was when the Australian dollar was one to one with the US dollar (miss those days) and that light would be the Jetbeam jet 3m pro i think i have no problem spending to around that amount but after that i cringe lol….
The x5 and x6 ended up costing about $130 Australian dollars so even they where cheaper…
I would really love a Nitecore TM but at around $200+ i can’t bring my self to do…
so in summary i am living the budget light forum life lol!
Feel free to write your stories
My spending limit for one flashlight is $50. Any more, and it would be too painful if I EDC and lose the light. I made an exception when I saw a Nitecore EA41w for $57. That’s the most I’ve spent for ONE flashlight.
I try to stay below $40 but for a single light I broke $100 for a lumintop sd75…
Nitecore TM16GT. That was my most expensive purchase. Even with the group buy.
Noctigon Meteor ($180) and the batteries for it.
I am glad i am not alone i see a lot of people with multiple $150+ flashlights…
That price range for an EDC is in the right place mate not to expensive that you will miss it if you lose it but good enough to last you a while…
The lumintop is a one of a kind they where going for a good price for a while. If i bought one now it would be about $250 AUD
XinTD C8, $32.
I think you should have got rid of the $0-$25 spot and added a $200+
maybe i can add another option? what lights are on the market for that price? I think some people like beginners might spend under $25
I voted for $200+ as I bought my Sinner Ti 18350 Tri-EDC for $260 including shipping from Sulman.
Those that voted “Money no object” might spend more than half a grand for a McGizmo, Jeff Hanko’s Trident, etc, or might spend more than $200+ before you revised your voting table.
Maybe you cam define as Money no object as above $500 or any reasonable figures since you added above $200+ in your voting poll
The tiny light in my Avatar, The Texas Poker. $800 custom light by Photon Fanatic.
I was talking with a friend on CPF a few years ago and mentioned that I had a wide diameter but short length of surgical grade Titanium with no clue what to do with it. He suggested I give it to Fred, he’d find a use for it, I was told. And so I did. Fred being Photon Fanatic. When I discovered that he makes custom lights, I remembered another piece of surgical grade Ti (grade 23) about 5.2” long and 1” diameter that I’ve been sitting on for 13 years at the time. So I asked Fred if he could make me a light out of it. He suggested I sketch a design, said he’d do a 3D rendering, and we’d be off to the races. Well, I like a Leupold rife scope, so I hobbled a sketch together in Photoshop from a Leupold 2X Gold (or something like that) and sent it to Fred, with the question how much is this gonna cost me? Not too much, I was told, since your’e supplying the raw materials and all.
Several months later, I had my gorgeous little Titanium and Copper Texas Poker (named by Fred) It’s a 10440 cell and it was doing 135 lumens when I got it. Horrible UI. The bill? $500 on top of the materials! And he was being nice! I got a receipt from him so I could put it on my Photography Insurance as a tool that I use for work, true enough. $800 on the receipt. Replacement cost. Legit, as I don’t have another bar of that ti.
I have since learned how to build drivers, my TP is sporting a single sided 10mm driver that Richard drew up for me in Eagle, and it’s now doing right at 800 lumens on a Nichia 219C . (I’ve redone it numerous times)
This little index finger sized light has been around my neck on a Titanium curb chain for 3 years now. I take it off to bathe, and little else.
The next closest expensive light I have is the Titanium X6 from Rey, with all it’s Tritium vials and quad 219C, it cost me right about $320 to build. Didn’t see that coming! And for all that, I just realized I have one small light that trumps both of those put together. Almost, are you sitting down? $1200. Whole nuther story…
Yes i am retiring from this game hahaha… I am guessing you also have a massive collection?
where do you store them? I am thinking of making a perspex case for my x5 and x6
Also we should rename this notsobudgetlightforum lol!!!
I have something over 135 lights. Not exactly sure.
I AM sure that I have 7 Sinners.
Olight S10, custom by Everett. 5 emitters, MELD firmware. Could not say no. $150
TM16gt is my most expensive, so far.
my most expensive was my coast… what is it? the 1000 lumen coast zoomy, with like 9xAA ?? hp550? THAT sucker… for me it was expensive… had to be in the 60 to 70 dollar range.
spent about that on a reflectored light, before i learned to buy from china. but it was cool… 2x18650 pack included, recharges from the light, usb charging port, and, its a powerbank too… machining and anodizing SEEM really nice to me? but, i am no expert on the matter.
to get me to spend THAT much on a light again? the prospective light better eat an apple and sh!t a fruit salad, i mean, this is budget lights after all, lol…
My most expensive is a Supfire M6 (stock model because i wanted to mod it myself, but never have yet). When i can ever afford to my most expensive will be the Lumintop SD75.
how about this one: