The Movie/TV/Radio/Lit Quote Master Game

No way I was gonna get it, so I goggled it (I was right, no way), and I’m out. :innocent:

Gotta say, the guy looks like Malcolm McDowell in “Blue Thunder”. :laughing:

somebody else take the lead.

i heard this song on the radio, WJAB, and used up a weeks worth of googgle bandwidth searching for it, so i knew it would be hard to find.

Song title “Moment of Your Time”
Release date: 2019-08-01
Artists: Butch & Rhonda Coleman

Let me give a second go
Spoken with a long heavy gurgle invoice
Spelling changed to mimic the sound.



I was thinking (only song that came up for me) it was

Like I said, Malcolm McDowell. :laughing:

Can we get a hint?

Movie, speaker is not human.

K, I’m stumped…

I’ll kick myself if it’s 2001ASO, though.

LB, Nope. This one is tough because it’s just the one word.
Another hint,
It’s the name of one of the major characters.

Enemy Mine

cohoer, you are now the Master!

Movie tanked at the theaters, I though it was way underrated.
Got stupid at the end though.

“I never get to be the badcop.”

I know that line. And I can almost picture the scene.
Can’t remember the movie for the life of me.
I will not google - I will not google - I will not google…

extra credit for her reply…

That’s the hint I needed. Undercover blues?
Man Turner was hot back in the day!
something like ” You don’t have a straight face” ?

You win the title butt no extra credit (close tho)
“That’s because you could never keep a straight face.”

Stanley Tucci as Mortie was great!

Interesting. Never saw UB.

Was thinking maybe Julianne Nicholson from LOCI (which’d kinda fit). Ah, well…

I’m old, I’m surprised I can remember my own best lines!

“It is a mild, mild wind, and a mild looking sky.”

Going to have to sign out for the night, If no one catches it fast, I’ll check back in the morning.

Next line;
On such a day - very much such a sweetness as this.

More Hints
“The Birds. Mark the birds”

“Better to sleep with a sober cannibal than a drunk Christian.”

“…to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee.”

One character’s name has been used later (much later) in 2 TV series.
And has been Male (in this story), then male, then female.

Extra credit tell me the characters name who is both in this story and the X-Files (a small character who doesn’t speak any lines).

And for double secret extra credit, the character who’s dialogue was influenced by the speaker.
Who became the nemesis of another great character, who was saved from cancellation by a Ball.

Wellp, that’s either “The Wrath of Khan”, or “Moby Dick”.

Since none of the other quotes are in TWOK, I’m going with “Moby Dick”.

Then that could be Gregory Peck?