The Movie/TV/Radio/Lit Quote Master Game

I enjoy the ImageBoss game.
Thought it might be fun to do the same with stuff we Watch/Hear/Read.
This one should happen much faster since only a correct answer is involved.

Quote Master posts a quote from a TV/Radio/Movie/Literature.

The first correct answer is the new Master as specified by the current Master.
New Master chooses the next quote.

For example: “Are you feeling lucky today? Well are you punk”?
First response of “Dirty Harry” is the new Master.

Lets put a 24 hour time limit, just in case someone actually want to sleep or do some other unnatural activity before getting back to us.
If no reply’s or correct answers after 24 hours, or the last Master has not picked the winner, the first responder to say “I’m the new Master” is the new Master.

No using Google. What’s the fun in that.

Let me start with an easy one.
What the yotz is he up to now?

All the Best,


Correct, Take it away Lightbringer you are the Master!
I knew you would catch it.

Kewl. :party:

Bugger, like Every Single Quote I can think of, can be goggled in like 6sec. That’s no fun…

Hang on…


“I’m gonna go crazy… and I’m taking you with me.”

Didn’t think through the Google thing. Makes most of the signature tag lines easy to find.
So I’m not going to use it.
LB, I recognize that line. But I can’t seem to bring the character up in my brain.


Haha, nope! You fell right into my trap!


We just watched it again the other day. But I think she says insane instead of crazy. I figured it was a misquote.

So y’all give up?

Without cheating that’s a tough one. I was thinking Beetlejuice too BTW.

Okay, okay, it’s from “Stargate SG-1”, episode “Unending” (series finale).

Might be a misquote, and I think my first instincts were correct, “going to” vs “gonna”.

So what now? Someone jumps in and takes it?

(This is tougher than it sounds, as anyone can goggle lines and probably find ’em somewhere. Or I can pick some obscure movie no one’s ever heard of. :laughing: )

Why play it you’re gonna cheat? Where’s the fun in that?

K, well, somebody take it. Make it a good’un!

“Can i have a moment of your time”

Feel free to use your favorite search “engine”

Every salesman ever? :slight_smile:

No, it’s not from a movie or TV.

Give us a hint?
From Radio?

I’m guessing a song, but I’m dumbfounded. And I’m not going to google it….not going to google it….not going to google it…. :zipper_mouth_face:
