The new Jaxman E3 flashlight comes in the new year

Thanks so much 1C3! That’s what I needed :wink:
This really seems a prettty strong light! I’ll probably get one and mod the driver :wink:

Thank you once again :sunglasses:

2 modes? I was about to order one, I had inquired Jaxman and he answered that it had 3 modes

I’m not buying this product if the driver is glued or if the threads are glued. Manufacturers should learn to listen to what the consumers want.

Also, I would like to repeat my suggestion to make the host available for sale. How hard can this be?

Hum, I don’t know if it is possible to ask Jaxman to not glue the things. When ordering , maybe we can try that!
I also wanted this available as a host, only, but if that is not possible, I’ll get the full light, unglue it and arrange it as I want!

Despite we have to look to manufacturers point of view - specially these that are not “major players” - I agree with you in some things :+1:

I asked Jaxman and they said, that in the new version of E3 (with three modes) MCPCB would not be glued.

the test is still continued…

^ That is an extreme low current for a moon mode on NiMh battery whatever the light output is, considering that the circuitry and MCU consume some power too. I have not seen a flashlight that boosts from a NiMh that gets the current draw so low. Btw, what is the light output at moon mode?

I think it is very good of you to pay attention to the current draw in moon mode. :+1:

Djozz and Jaxman, please indulge my ignorance, but is this a “not-so-good” thing?
Sorry but I don’t master these “drain” and “consumption” language, and I don’t know how is it good or bad in terms of efficency/runtime/max and min outputs :person_facepalming:

Also, does this have to do with the LED as well?
Thanks in advance!

Looks very nice Jaxman! I like it! Will have to add this one to my growing collection of well made Jaxman lights.

For me, starting with the lowest mode and stepping up to the highest is a requirement due to my poor memory. I tend to blind myself if they come on in high. :blush:

The High CRI Nichia 219C is also an appealing emitter choice to me, hope that’s available when it’s time to order.

Already having the UV tube light (U1) and the triple (E2L), along with the M8 and Z1 and the X1 as well as the M2, this small light will have it’s own distinct place in my line-up. Thank you for thinking of this. I don’t normally use NiMH in these small lights but in this case I might have to make an exception and keep it low for the glow. :wink: Who knows though, I could get some crazy idea to shove 2 14250’s in the tube with an XHP-50.2…. maybe hosts really are needed? :smiley:

Edit: Couldn’t resist, just ordered one with the Nichia 5700K 219B. I know, I know…. :wink:

This is a “good”thing.

In very low output/current levels, the power draw of the circuitry adds significant to what just the led draws. example, the BLF-A6 driver in lowest moon mode may have 2mA through the led but the MCU/voltage divider or whatever, adds another 2.5mA (these are numbers that I think I remember). And the BLF-A6 driver is pretty good at this. I know that led4power pays extra attention to the power draw of the circuitry in his drivers to maximise runtime in moon mode, it is a bit lower even than the BLF-A6. This may be done by designing the hardware right, but it certainly can also be achieved by software tweaking, I know that TomE has done a lot for the Q8 driver to keep the MCU power draw as low as possible in lowest setting (something with putting the MCU to sleep). But other drivers may be pretty wasteful which reduces the runtime in moon mode drastically.
If the driver is a boost driver, the current that the circuitry uses (and does not go through the led) may be a bit higher because of boost losses. Mind that the 8mA that Jaxman measures is at 1.2V, so after boosting there is just maybe 2.5mA leftover to divide between circuitry and led. So if the led lights up at all, the power draw of the circuitry is lower than that.

OHHH, ok, first I got it all “wrong”! Now I understand the “boring” part, cause it will draw slowly on the lowest level!
Thank you so much djozz for taking the time to write and explain it :wink:

Hum, I will definitely get one of these :slight_smile:
Thanks again :slight_smile:

Hi Jaxman,

Your Aliexpress page mentions “the med mode is done by PWM”. Do you know how fast it is? Visible? Audible?




I'm looking for a single AA capable pocket EDC.

Will I receive the new 3-mode UI if I order now?

Same question.
When new 3-mode glue-free version will be available ?

Guys, have you checked ali page of E3? There is already new model available for purchase.

I have. There's conflicting info.

The site says they now have the 3 mode version and can make the 2 mode version available for the asking. :wink:

I’m interested in the Nichia 4000K but I’d like to know the lumen output specs, in the Aliexpress generic area of description shows: Lumen: 160

I’m hoping that’s not the max output with a 14500 cell.

I have the E2L nichia triple, the listing for that shows the lumen output for all 3 mode levels. Jaxman, please add that information for this one or post it here.

In the picture on ali there is: 1, 60, 350 lumens.

@jaxman, could you please make the listing on aliexpress clearer? it would benefit us all, including your sales, I imagine :smiley: