The return of Copper!

It’s heavier, it tarnishes, but for whatever reason it’s my favorite.

As far as I know most the copper lights are in the BLF area of pricing:

Lumintop Worm copper
Maratac AAA, AA, 123 (albeit with shipping maybe at the peak of “budget”)

Any others worth checking out?

Do not know of any other coppers off the top of my head

But brass is close

Not quite budget, but if you pledge 65 USD you get a 3-mode AAA copper light with Nichia 219:

Fivemega Full Copper

Not in BLF price range due to having to buy the body, head and tail separate.

But sure its pretty.

Where can the lumintop copper be purchased?

How easy are the Lumintop to mod? Seems silly paying 25 USD more for a 3-mode driver and Nichia 219.

I have only seen the worm on ebay myself, the kickstarter light looks nice, but really doesn’t look tat much different than the worm.

LOVE that five mega, but that is easy 300+ light at the end of the day.

That Prometheus light is amazing. Dude seems super cool too :slight_smile: