Congrats to the winners of Brinyte 11th anniversary’s GAW: No.23 pommie; No.52 Lightbringer :+1:
Congrats GAW winners!!!
congrats to the winners
Congratulations! , and thank you Brinyte2018 for showing other manufacturers how giveaways SHOULD be done. (pending delivery lol )
I didn’t enter the GAW, but congratulations to the winners
Congratz Pommie and Lightbringer
Thank you Brinyte2018, for bringing us the chance.
Congratulations to the winners.
Holy Crap! Seriously??
I was thinking, man, I’d love to get my greasy paws on that light, but noooooo waaaay would I win.
I will name him George, and I will hug him and pet him and squeeze him…
Thanks, Brinyte! You’s the man!
Congratulations to the winners and thank you Brinyte2018
Also, thank you for doing a giveaway the right way (so far).
(Some commercial sellers just don't get it.)
Congratulations and thanks for the giveaway!
Congrats guys
Congratulations to the winners and thanks for the giveaway!
Congratulations to the winners!
Congrats to everyone! Fun. Fun.
Well done guys.
Congrats to the winners and thanks to Brinyte for GAW.
Thank you Brinyte.
I went to the Brinyte store and was looking at the specs when the treasurer said “in your dreams, the only way your getting one of those is to steal it” the look on her face when I said “well I AM getting it so there” then had to explain (very quickly) that I have won it, what she called me then I cannot repeat here
Cheers David
Congratulations to the winners!
Great to see your wishes came true.
Thank you, Brinyte, for this nice and straightforward GAW.