The Year of Dragon GAW from Sofirn

#Sofirn2024 Giveaway Lucky Fans Announced​:star_struck::star_struck:
Lucky fans please send your shipping address and account screenshot to our :love_letter:email:
We will arrange and deliver everyone’s gifts one by one.
:sunflower::sunflower::sunflower:Thank you very much for your active participation and wonderful sharing.
You can continue to follow us, and there will be many activities and opportunities in the future. We are so happy that Sofirn was accompanied and supported by you along the way.:heart:

3 Thanks

I’m pretty sure that isn’t allowed here, a giveaway requiring posting on another website.

I’d love to participate otherwise

2 Thanks

I purchased my first Sofirn from Amazon after seeing the SC31 PRO on sale and then reading the good reviews on this very forum,since then I have purchased quite a few different Sofirn lights for myself and to also give away as gifts.

Thanks for the giveaway, Sofirn!
(I’m not in this one.) :+1:

What is a hashtag?

3 Thanks
2 Thanks

Ya I think I’m too old to understand what they want. I know in theory what a hashtag is, but not how to use them. Is it twitter? Only social media I have is Reddit and it’s only for r/flashlights

2 Thanks

It’s good to never stop learning :blush:

2 Thanks

What they want is for people to spam social media with plausibly deniable advertisement pretty much for free.

How/where to properly do it or if it should be done is another matter, though i am pretty sure links in OP are to facebook…

2 Thanks

Speaking of The Year of the Dragon…
I started playing Yakuza: Like a Dragon on PS4 today. :video_game:

1 Thank

You just type the hashtag anywhere in a comment/post/etc. For example, if they do the same next year, you might say:

Thank you sofirn for literally lighting up my life. You should change your name to sofine because that’s what you are #sofirn2025

And anyone (including sofirn) would be able to easily find posts with that specific hashtag included. Websites that support them will often auto-format them into links users can click on to start a search for other content with that hashtag, but even on sites that don’t auto-format (like BLF), you can usually search for the hashtag using the site’s search tool and get the same result.

Also, it looks like sofirn has edited the post to remove referencing other websites altogether (except the hashtag links which direct to Facebook searches). I assume folks are fine to just comment here (maybe sofirn can confirm)…

I’m choosing option 2!


I’ve met Sofirn for the first time when purchased C8F in (I guess) 2018. I still consider this light to be great and still have it in my collection. Don’t know why it’s not produced anymore.


#Sofirn2024 points to fakebuuk for me. I abandoned fakebuuk long ago, so I’ll just post something here.

Sofirn produced my first high-quality 1xAA light when I became interested in performance LED lights. It still works great after many years.



Long-time Sofirn fan here. I am the proud owner of numerous specimens … high quality and extensive variety of lighting options.

Great gear … :beer:

yeah sure why not


For me it’s the LT1. Some of my most cherished gadgets.

#sofirn2024 not only making sure I won’t end up in the dark, but also that my phone never runs out of battery when travelling thanks to the powerbank feature :slight_smile:

Twitter, Mastodon, Instagram, Tiktok, I think Facebook. Myself, the only ones of those I use are Mastodon and Twitter, and in general barely active on Twitter any more since Elon ruined it.

1 Thank


My first Sofirn was SP31V2.0 and it was before 4 years.
I use it very much, I borrow it to my friends and recommend it to flashlight beginners.


Currently, my only Sofirn is the original SC31, which I keep clipped to the bedframe in our guest bedroom.

It’s Blue “Breathing” Switch Button LED makes it easy to locate in the dark, and its basic UI makes it easy for guests to switch ON and use if ever needed.


My first sofirn light was a sc31pro, also my first anduril light. I got it because I wanted a nice pocket light that had a low moonlight and ability to control maximum brightness (because young kids). That thing has been so thoroughly abused but refuses to die, still use it today (but with a new LED in it).
