does anyone know where to get 1mm thickness, 16-18mm diameter o-rings?
i'm looking for spare o-rings for the tailcap of my Trustfire F20. the o-ring that came with it seems to be 1mm thick. i've tried the 1.5mm o-rings i have and they are too thick for the groove.
i assume K106 and all its clones must use the same o-rings, right?
Based on your description, I think you will be fortunate to locate the correct o ring. When I found someone who had the right o ring the shipping charge and/or min order qty made purchase very expensive. There is someone at CPF who is trying to act as an intermediary. He is offering kits of o rings which unfortunately are too thick (SAE sizing) - I think. He looks like he might try to do the same thing for the metric o ring sizes. Here is the thread:
ACE is a good suggestion. I've been there before and even the smallest Mom and Pop locations have imperial and metric o-rings. It's a bit hit and miss of course but they are usually easy to get to before you have to try sizing o-rings online.
DX has o-rings. When I've had orders I've throw in a few random bags of o-rings just because they are such a pain to locate when you need one. I also ordered a SAE kit (imperial I think) and most are way too big and thick (think auto) but it wasn' t too expensive and it comes in handy sometimes.
It's not good for most small o-rings for flashlights however.