ThirdJewel's Absolutely Terrible Introduction


I don’t really know anything about flashlights so I’m planning on lurking for the most part. I think an introduction post is required but honesty I’m not sure. Either way I’ve made one. To sum it up

  1. I don’t know anything
  2. I’m planning on lurking
  • ThirdJewel
6 Thanks


This is definitely a great place to learn more about flashlights :slight_smile:

Are you just here to soak up general information and learn, or do you have anything particular you’re looking for/trying to learn about?

1 Thank

We’re very glad to have you here, ThirdJewel!

Welcome @ThirdJewel

Sometimes it’s easier to guide someone with a clean slate… :upside_down_face:

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Welcome to BLF! I’ve been here 11 years and still learning, this is a niche hobby that has some real world benefits if you need light sources, plus the electronics skills (soldering, measuring current/voltage) can be pretty useful for troubleshooting/repair.

My advice: always wait to receive the light you ordered, before ordering another.

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1 Thank

Welcome to BLF ThirdJewel!

There tons of posts here to lurk on. And if you ever need help, this is a great place for it.

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I think your introduction is fantastic : - )

Welcome to the club!

1 Thank

Great introduction


Before long if you lurk here you’ll end up with a lot of lights anyway.

1 Thank

Great to have you here! Ask away if you need any help, we try to be friendly and helpful to everyone.

Thank you all for the very warm welcome

1 Thank

Welcome @ThirdJewel lurk all you desire, glad to have you here!

Well, this is a good place to learn about flashlights and flashlight accessories. Lots of knowledge and experience here. If you want to read reviews bout popular flashlights, go check out 1Lumen.

I think that is truly great introduction [edit: And Post Title!!!] and I may borrow it if I ever get over my squeamishness about the idea of introducing myself in this more formalized way.

My partner won a professional award once from a US university specializing in that field. She is English, and back when she was growing up at least, they didn’t have the culture of the “Oscar Speech”. . .

She was mortified to discover at the award ceremony that everybody had an acceptance speech all worked up, and each awardee acted like they were celebrities on television . . . She panicked and tried to bolt and ditch the ceremony, but several of us kept her there, laughing our asses off.

She had to be pulled on stage by the organizers, kept trying to move away from the podium, kept getting pushed back, continued trying to escape. Finally she actually ducked! and squirmed! through the outstretched arms of the award big wigs and said something like this to the air: “I’m sorry. I can’t I just can’t. I’m sorry. I can’t!”

It was so hilarious and I was so proud of her!

It was a worthy award for worthy work but the culture of how people received the awards was just straight up American silliness like kindergarten graduation ceremonies (IMO). So I loved her inadvertent bodily critique of the general culture.

At this point I am guessing you may be British!