On ebay UK the seller advertises SkyRay lights but they are Trustfire T6 3 x XML type lights not SRK “soda” can lights http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SKYRAY-818-4000LM-3x-XM-L-T6-LED-5-Mode-Flashlight-Torch-2X18650-Battery-Charger-/172315315918?hash=item281ecb0ece:g:Bq0AAOSwSv1Xkl6s
“Funny how I really hope this light gets delivered any time soon Wink”
Me also, The Miller
Stuff regularly takes 4-6 weeks to reach me when bought from China through ebay, where GB & BG generally takes 10-15 days, so to early to worry yet.
If it turns out to have LB emitters, poor driver & internals etc I will mod it into an S70/L6 type light & probably bump the amps up above either of those stock :+1:
If it turns out to be an S70 (stranger things have happened) then happy days & if nothing arrives then paypal will refund.
At the $19 I paid there is really nothing to lose IMO
In retrospect, the clone emitters I pulled from the ebay SRK light were actually doing a pretty good job. Beam profile and overall color accuracy was maybe even better than the Cree XM-L’s I put in it, and the jump from 1683 to 1811 lumens may very well have been the larger 20 ga wires. I have no idea of course as to whether or not they would have made more or less heat, but getting 1800 lumens from 9 emitters means none of them are being driven hard enough to really make much heat, even combined.
I have noticed the same thing with the SRK’s I have played with. The LB LED’s actually do a reasonably good kob if you mod the driver for more current. They can generally make 3000+ lumens without a lot of hassle depending on how many there are.
Plus since they have a smaller die they generally have a better beam profile and more throw then an XM-L2
yeah B-H, but I really do not want to get refunded on this, I reallylike to receive the light (same reasons as you state)
Oh I have a quad SRK clone with LB leds in a beautiful warm white tint, no need to swap those.
Recently received a 7 LED SRK clone with LEDs I cannot figure out what LEDs thay are (not the normal LB and surely not Cree) but the tint is good too.
The Aluminum mcpcb was laid on the shelf of the SRK with no thermal paste whatsoever. Totally dry.
A copper heat sink will certainly help it, even an aluminum heat sink to give solid support across the bottom of the mcpcb would make a lot of difference. Will have to find out if it’ll support threads, might have to make a press fit but should be able to sandwich a heat sink between the mcpcb and driver ground ring even if it won’t accept threads. We’ll see. (I like copper, I like the heft it gives a light, so y’all pretty much know what I’ll end up doing…)
Hey, what do y’all think about that picture of the 9 emitters? Got a new (older model) Canon S90 camera that is barely larger than a pack of smokes, really pleased with the shots it takes! (means I don’t have to lug out a bunch of bigger equipment to get a few fast shots of a lights guts and such)
very nice pic!
Yes I don”t want to have a refund either The Miller :+1:
Hoping for either a 2 x 26650 host to mod or better to arrive
Have a look at my ebay link, this one http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/3000LM-XHP70-LED-Flashlight-Rechargeable-Searchlight-Torch-Camping-6-Modes-Light-/131903641196?var=&hash=item1eb611d66c:m:mZRK3prgpvDIdArTxSroHgA
What does that look & sound like ?
Even shows an illuminated mode switch in the beam pictures under the main picture.
Only difference between that one & the one I have bought is my seller claims 5,000 lumens as opposed to 3,000 & my sellers ad dosen”t show the illuminated mode switch.
They are both described as VastFire S70 XHP70 tactical torches & buy it now price is comparable with a genuine Thorfire S70.
Who knows what we will receive :question:
nice image, I have a very similar SkyRay light, almost the same board (labeled HND-XGP-7), only the 7 emitter version, but I have the same LB XM-L clones on it: - The Fake-Cree LED Awareness Thread - The new "low" in Budget lights. - #690 by Kusie
You´re right, the light they make is actually not bad, cold white of course, but not too blueish. I also like the beam structure of the torch. The 7 emitter version outputs maybe 1200 real lumens that means below 200 lumens per LED … not much. Nevertheless I decided to use thermal paste on the ledge where the “dry” board sits on to have at least some kind of heat transfer to the body and BOY does this thing get hot when running on high for 20 minutes!
One of the major advanges of these cans for me is that the cells are parallel, that means it also runs with one cell.
It actually makes a good camping light if you´re running it on low mostly.
Bad notice
the seller is no more registered…
close their ebay account today
so will be better open paypal dispute immediately to avoid lost money or from resolution center ebay?
Iam in the same boat, damn that sucks. Mine said it would be here by aug 22nd-sept 16th. Never done s PayPal dispute this should be interesting.
The question is if open dispute now or waiting.
I think wait is risk because the scammer can take away our money and close their Paypal account.
But open Dispute now after 10 days of order is much soon ?
does paypal have a cash fund for refounds?
I think you have to wait until after the estimated delivery date passes to open a dispute.
yes but also paypal staff can check that he is a scammer and money back will be instant
don’t have experience in this situation
damn Im in the same boat
U can lodge a dispute and the seller have certain days to reply otherwise you can escalate the process to get paypal step into the matter.
I knew this is fishy
Ah dang he was very responsive and I received a message yesterday.
Now a good test, if this would happen on AliExpress this is about the time I would receive a message and refund “your order has been cancelled and refunded due to suspicious seller activity”
Zoo what is eBay going to do?
I ordered too , before 22-23 days .
This is what it says under my orders : Screenshot by Lightshot
Got his email address since I asked for an invoice instead of doing auctions
I asked if he can provide tracking or if I should start a dispute
Just send the mail, let you guys know if and what he answers.
same me