I inherited an older Red 3D maglite. The tube end threads for the tailcap are botched up and make it almost impossible to install or remove the tailcap.
Any way to rethread it? Specialty dies etc?
Would like to keep it but what a PITA the way it is. TIA
One of the guys with a lathe might be able to redress them, but it would be more than buying a new light. Same with a die unless you found someone that had one. I think it's an oddball size, brittish thread or something like that.
Thanks for replies. No, no nostalgic value. Figured there may be a tap around to re-ream it. Modding it to 1D sounds good I’ll hang on to it for a rainy day I guess.
Upshot is I got 2 New 2D’s from Lowes this weekend .