Three OnePlus One Invites to Share

Hey folks, I’ve finally got my OnePlus One invites to give out.

There are three invites for the 64GB Black version of the OPO.

Here are the rules:
0. You must live in the following regions to receive the OPO:

  1. You must purchase the OPO within 24 hours of receiving the invite, or it will expire and go to waste.
  2. You must have joined BLF on 2014 or before.
  3. Make one post about why you want a OPO in the comments below.

I’ll choose the three members based on their contributions to BLF and reasons why they need it in:

(The OnePlus Two might come out sometime this year too. :laughing:

I am not interested in an invite, but i am glad you got some invites like you mentioned you might in your review thread :slight_smile:

Yup, thanks for giving me tips on the invite giveaway. It’ll be great for others to try check out what all the hype is about.

I’m interested in getting the OnePlus Two when it comes out, but I guess this doesn’t apply to that. Do you know how they will be handling the invites for the OnePlus Two?

I would guess zombies, abominable snowmen and martians get first dibs then us mere mortals can vie for the remnants :bigsmile:

Its probably the same as the current phone method

No problem, everyone likes a giveaway :slight_smile:

Yup, I’m assuming it’s via an invite system too in order to control the supply. It’ll probably be a long time before it’s launched, possibly 2015 Q3.

Having a one would be fun, but I have a phone that works for me already, so I can’t justify the $300+ price (let alone data plans)

best of luck for those that do enter.

So you need an invite to buy a phone? I guess that’s marketing at work.

Yeah, seems like it has worked out though. Many grew tired after waiting weeks or even months and gave up, but I think the response was generally positive.

I’ll be sharing the invites on BudgetAndroidForum soon. :slight_smile:

I’m shocked nobody on BLF wanted an invite

Yeah I was surprised too, but I guess has a working phone they’re happy with. :smiley:

For fun i will draw broad conclusions form a single data point, perhaps BLFers are tapped out from their flashlight purchases, especially all the recent GBs.

Nope. Sending this from my oneplus.

Just no future group buys for a while…

Edit: with two data points, you now have a wonderfully representative sample!

Yes with two data points i can conclusively prove the existence of chronic cubicle syndrome, that evolution is a myth, only Marco Polo could have gone to china and climate change is a huge conspiracy invented by the saucer people in conjunction with the Rand corporation (or was that Umbrella corporation) :smiley:

Now wait a second!

Umbrella Corporation didn't invent the climate change conspiracy.

Instead, we're just responsible for the majority of Earth's climate change. :evil:

Its always good when the target audience shows up in obscure threads :smiley:

Yes, well my raccoon senses were tingling. :)

Is that not the first symptom of the T virus?

I sleep all day and then drink a t-Virus smoothie for breakfast.
