Thrower comparison - Convoy M21F vs M21E vs L21B

Due to Reddit’s uncertain future, I have decided to put up some of my comparisons on BLF, so that they aren’t lost when r/flashlight’s time would come. I believe someone might find them useful :slightly_smiling_face:.

Flashlights compared (L to R) (measured ANSI throw):

  • Convoy L21B SFT40 (1300m)
  • Convoy M21E SFT40 (890m)
  • Convoy M21F SFT40 (700m)

They all use standart 21700 cells.

M21E and M21F use a side-switch and have integrated USB-C charging. The L21B has a reverse-clicky tailswitch and is available with either the 12-group UI or the simpler 4-modes UI.

30 meters:

50 meters:

150 meters:

170 meters:

350 meters:

8 Thanks

Nice comparison!
I have three Convoy throwers, though one of them has an XHP70.3 HI emitter instead of an SFT40 emitter. :grin:

How does the 70.3 Hi compare to the SFT40 in your convoy hosts?
I am wondering if the 70.3 Hi makes a decent thrower in any of the Convoys or if SFT40 is still the way to go.

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Very useful comparison, thank you!

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All other things being equal, the SFT40 throws further, but the XHP70.3 HI outputs more lumens and provides some throw.
My Convoy with the XHP70.3 has the largest reflector, and even then, at least one my smaller Convoy throwers with the SFT40 throws further.
So, if you want a decent amount of throw with an XHP70.3 HI emitter, you need a pretty big reflector. :+1:

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Great comparison first!

From what you say with the XHP70.3Hi we will get some flood.

I would like (already commented) to have the M21B and I want it to serve me as flood as well.

I saw review of Sofirn SC33 and it is a barbarity what it floods, I liked it.

I don’t know if the M21B will do the same as Simon doesn’t normally advertise Lumens on their flashlights.

Of those three the L21B is the best thrower, but honestly I find the other two better looking.

I have an S2+ SFT40 and an S21E SFT40 I haven’t tried it yet but they are very small I guess with the M21B I will get more with the XHP70.3.

What option do you have with the XHP70.3?

Thanks and @grzybek337 good job!

2 Thanks


Wow I like that model!

I put it in the basket along with the M21B both with the XHP70.3Hi 6500K.

I will decide which one to buy, it will be more comfortable the M21B but the beam will be much better on the M21C it will even dissipate heat better.

I will look at the size differences.

Thanks for your help.

1 Thank


If you do end up with both M21b and L21b with an XHP70.3 Hi, I would love to see how their beamshapes compare!