Has anybody observed their NW TN42 to appear pretty warm? Is that sure evidence that the LED is being overdriven? Does that mean the CW will look NW instead?
This is what my TN42vn is:
Spec 1 XHP35 HI CW 6500K $250 (Recommended)
Lumen: 2400
Lux: 775
Throw: 1760m
I got it for $205. Capo special connection price!
Actually I like my TK61vn V4 better. For several reasons.
Much nice beam profile,no rings, less artifacts, more defined hot spot, more spill and does NOT get as hot. I am not mentioning the tint because I chose the cool white[mostly becuase of a little more output!] The PDT tint on the TK61vn is warmer and very nice.
I am getting a holster that will work for the TK61 and TN42. Was made for the TN42. I am looking forward to getting it. One thing about the straps.
The design of the strap and how it attaches is superior on the TK61.Both ends swivel, scratching is at a bare minimum w/ TK61 and you do not need a ring to attach to the tail cap hole. That attachment for the TN42 constantly gets stuck while the pivoting attachments for TK61 have no issues whatsoever.
None of this will matter when I get my Holster from HKE next week! :+1:
I have the cool white. I doubt the NW is over driven. My CW does not look anything like NW…….I wish it did!
Also, Mine is NOT stock, it is modded.
I suppose not overdriven as much as the K70…
My tn42 nw is around 5000 K.
hmmmmm. Just started looking at this thread. Mine is also marked like yours.Theirs in not only marked in a different location, but they separate Thrunite and TN42! I think that means OURS has a bit more output! I know mine does[VN]!
Hold on a second! I found something on my tail cap that neither you or Taschenlampen have!
I have to ask…
Is all that throw very useful, especially with a narrow beam? Doesn’t atmospheric scattering (especially with cool white) limit how far the beam can go, and how well you can see “around it” (with all the light being scattered back)?
I don’t have any LED lights approaching anything like that kind of throw, but I used to have a 200w spot-light that would throw like that. Since it wasn’t LED, it was large and heavy and impractical, but it sure threw out a wall of photons. So, I understand the fun part, but is it really useful?
if there’s fun, of course it’s useful too!
It is useful to me and my Husky Capo! Because the beam intensity at 300,400 or 500 yards is worth it. You can light things up like a barn, Deer or small animal. I am able to put a lot of light on a target I would not normally be able to see.
Then there is the fun of seeing it travel over 1 mile, along with a friend who was at the target[cell tower]. :+1:
In addition to the two replies located above this post: Of course it is useful. It all depends on what range your target is at, and what size of the target. I like the rifle cartridge caliber analogy. Short range low power is a 30-30, short range high power is a .458. Long range low power is a .257, and long range high power is a .378. So, whether you need a 257 or 30-30 or 458 or .378 depends on size and distance of target. That is why I have more than a few lights. Largest lights for the most power at far range, smallest lights for low power at short range, and in between lights for in between range and in between power. All of the zillions of "Flood versus Throw" topics that are so popular in the flashlight forums all boil down to this: What you want, what you like, what you need. Not what someone else needs/wants/likes. My TN42vn cw is tops for two things: Small target far away, and the fun of such. Also, because the beam is narrow, there is very little self-glare; the target appears crisp, clear and sharp.
Since I modified mine for my own use it didn’t get an engraved DB Custom on it.
I actually did a stupid thing and traded mine off in a deal for an Alienware laptop. Wish I’d been smarter, oh well.
Well then! Since you traded it you should have had your DB Custom on it!
Do you know what bin the stock LED has and its CRI? Maybe that explains the tint of my TN42
I did the Pre-Order through Thrunite and ended up with serial number 2. I can’t believe I let it go, seriously liked that light and being somewhat of a numbers freak the number 2 on it should have guaranteed it a spot on my shelves forever. Used it pretty often spotting coyotes, must’ve really brainfahrted on that one…
The TN42 is an amazing thrower. I just finished watching a Utube video testing it in the farmlands of Michigan.
The light was easily visible (and they took a photo) at 5 miles. That's very impressive for a stock light.
That said, I do not need one. I do not need one. Remember that. I do not need one.
This new member[FlashMax] from Argentina needs help solving the mystery of his TN42. The review thread was not getting much traffic!
Here is the thread:
ThruNite TN42 LED Searchlight *Disclaimer: TN42 provided for review courtesy of Thrunite. [image] This is it, folks... the reigning King of Throw in LED flashlights! Manufacturer's Description: Features One of the most powerful throw LED lights on the market. Uses one advanced CREE XHP35 HI LEDs with a lifespan of 20 years The high output reaches 2000 lumens and an ultra-long distance of 1550 meters. ThruNite ITC technology to prevents possible damage from overheating. Reversed polarity p…
The picture below is with his TN42 OFF!! Any ideas?! 3 of the 4 dies are lit up with very little illumination!

Also, because the beam is narrow, there is very little self-glare; the target appears crisp, clear and sharp.
Okay, I wondered about that. Most lights I’ve seen, especially the cooler tint ones, scatter a lot of light on humid nights. But I’ve never used one with such a thin beam.
Does it really penetrate far on humid nights? I swear on some nights that there’s a wall 100 yards away where light just stops.

This new member[FlashMax] from Argentina needs help solving the mystery of his TN42. The review thread was not getting much traffic!
Here is the thread:
Review: ThruNite TN42 LED Searchlight
The picture below is with his TN42 OFF!! Any ideas?! 3 of the 4 dies are lit up with very little illumination!
One of two things, defective emitter or the emitter was not flowed onto the MCPCB properly or completely. The responsibility to fix a sick light is on the manufacturer or distributor
No, that is not it,Kawiboy figured it out.
ThruNite TN42 LED Searchlight *Disclaimer: TN42 provided for review courtesy of Thrunite. [image] This is it, folks... the reigning King of Throw in LED flashlights! Manufacturer's Description: Features One of the most powerful throw LED lights on the market. Uses one advanced CREE XHP35 HI LEDs with a lifespan of 20 years The high output reaches 2000 lumens and an ultra-long distance of 1550 meters. ThruNite ITC technology to prevents possible damage from overheating. Reversed polarity p…
I did the Pre-Order through Thrunite and ended up with serial number 2. I can’t believe I let it go, seriously liked that light and being somewhat of a numbers freak the number 2 on it should have guaranteed it a spot on my shelves forever. Used it pretty often spotting coyotes, must’ve really brainfahrted on that one…
…. I can’t believe you did either …… :person_facepalming: …
… First I heard of it……
Especially after our conversation starting 13 November 2016 by the wonder of PM technology. :person_facepalming: … :cry:
I have however heard it said that time heals all wounds…… hopefully, in time; this wound of not owning this most unique DB Custom TN42 will at least scab over & begin to heal in a few years. :cry:
I’ll be off now to lick my wound……….

No, that is not it,Kawiboy figured it out.
Missed the while off part. :person_facepalming:
Leakage current. Makes sense, similar in principle to lighted tailcaps