-Pics via TLF
6600 lumens, 4*18650, 3*MK-R… $200 retail ($170 expected discount)
It can’t match the beautiful tint of the MM15, but the higher output is really nice.
-Pics via TLF
6600 lumens, 4*18650, 3*MK-R… $200 retail ($170 expected discount)
It can’t match the beautiful tint of the MM15, but the higher output is really nice.
HMMMM… I wonder where you got those pictures/gifs!!!
$170 is what HKE was selling the MM15 for way back when.
Thanks. Great pics
this light interests me quite more than the new tm06 thats for sure
I’ll wait for the inevitable triple MT-G2 light
This is the first expensive light that has ever interested me. I always wanted a super bright super floody light.
This one seems to fit the bill. My only concern would be, I’d have to purchase a matched set of quality batteries to go with it.
On second thought, I was never here, I never saw this light :bigsmile:
when i get this, only if theres a vn version, my mm15vn will start collecting dust.
Does anyone know the deal with the groupbuy at TLF? Are people in USA eligible? Is it 170 euros or usd if you’re in USA? 170 euros isn’t much of a deal since it is still higher than the retail 200usd…
i already asked Neal for a good price for BLF members.
i hope we get a price without the need of a group buy
anxiously awaiting……
This is an interesting light and the recent "death "of my sky ray king has me looking for a new soda-can light.I seem to remember the MK-R as a very inefficient emitter for flashlight use, gonna dig up some threads to find out.
Looks like this is available - GB sure would be nice.
What’s that expected discount for $170 that dangerous mentioned? Is that active op?
No, that was quoted from another source. $200 is the retail price right now and I don’t know of any discounts available…
if there is a group buy I am in
Is the head glued, and how easily do the emitters come out? This should be a direct swap for the XHP70.
What would be the benefits to changing out to xhp70?
I think it can be done. Vinh has installed mtg2 in these.
Where can I buy these xhp70’s?
Wow. 12000 lumens with the xhp70’s in a tn36