Looks like a quad thrower, will it survive against tk75, tm16, t6 etc?
Photos from Redirecting...
Looks like a quad thrower, will it survive against tk75, tm16, t6 etc?
Photos from Redirecting...
Finally we have a name for that light! Been a mystery for a couple months now. Hopefully reviews will come soon. Can’t wait to know more about it.
I don’t get why Thrunite compared a floodlight against a thrower.
Making it look more thrower?
because they named it ultimate thrower? :D
This looks like an interesting light… A current boost + dedomed V6’s / U4s will make this an impressive light! Where’s the budget lights with these big triple / quad reflectors. Where’s the BTUs! Nice…
OP updated with specs and price.
Heh, I wonder how soon Simon will top this :smiling_imp:
Thanks zeremefico.
I wish thrunite would change their UI so that turbo can be memorized.
IMO nitecore should’ve gone this route with their TM16GT instead of using a weak low amp driver… Each LED is driven about 2.7A, probably if they bumped that to 4A it could easily achieve the 4450 lumens of this TN40 and surpass the 1151M throw.
When I sent my tm16gt to vihn he got 4,000 lumens and 225,000 lux stock. After he worked on the light he got 6,400 lumens and 450,000 lux.
What’s that in candela? With vihn’s lux figures, does he measure them at 2 meters? I wish he used candela instead of lux. I’ve poked around on his site but couldn’t find anything.
Oh my there is my Christmas wish
Just ordered mine. Last day for the 10% off coupon to work. Will be comparing to the TN32, FF4 Extreme, and the Maxabeam when I get it so keep an eye out!!
What coupon ? There is one ?
Coupon code is “TN40” . Takes 10% off.
Thanks what site ?
Thrunites official website. Also comes with free shipping.
Wonder if we’ll ever get a half-as-cool discount at HK Equipment, eh?