What is the lux output of one of these?
do you mean Lumens?
since I have no light box I could only ceilingbounce…
but with which light to compare?
No - lux or kcd measurement. This records degree of lumen concentration, or its beam hotspot intensity. Tells us how good a thrower it is.
How does its long distance throw compare with the $8 cheapie you have?
what’s wrong with that post?
That is quite a lux increase for something off the shelf, stock and runs on AAA batteries that you could give to anybody to use safely. And it’s still pocket friendly too.
And I can vouch, the tactile quality, fit & finish on Lensers is superb.
Retail price I agree is a tad high, although in the UK a new genuine P7.2 is slightly cheaper than an 2AA EagleTac D25 so isn’t so uncompetative as some make out.
I’d love to see how this light handles a 26650
Nice! I’m not really surprised, they seem to love over-engineering these lights.
Hmm. I think we can all guess pretty well how it would be handled. DTP copper MCPCB, decent little pill, DD with limiting resistors, etc… should be pretty predictable, right? No LVP though. :-\
I don’t think a 26650 is possible. I have a similar light at home (POP lite T34), which is very similar to the original Led Lenser P7, but runs an XP-E instead of the XR-E found in the Lenser.
It uses the same 4AAA carrier and same size body. And it’s just a mm or so too narrow to accept a 26650. I think you’d also struggle with length too. And if I recall correctly, the battery carrier has the + and - terminals on it, it doesn’t pass the - through the body. So you’d need a li-ion in a carrier too.
26650 is to large for the body, a 25500 will fit perfectly
Im about to mod mine, i’m looking at installing a clicky button into the bottom along with a proper driver pill in the head, something like this gear from FF
How is the heat with that resister bypass, does the light get really hot at 2600mah? I might rip mine apart now and do this myself
Also I tested the battery carriage and that outputs 5v, changing the resister in the pill wouldn’t that over volt the LED, would be safer to alter the battery carriage so boost mode was on constantly
EDIT: I just ripped mine apart then, pill is 21.5mm, one could easily fit a regulated booster power supply to this thing, bypass the resisters in the tail, alter the carrier to run series and parallel giving you 3v with long run time, there is many possibilities even when using the AAA setup.
A friend just bought a Lenser P7.2 for his bike and asked me to bring some of my cheapie lights for a comparison. Funny enough it was one the same as the Zeusray that impressed him as it has a similar flood pattern but outlasted it in run time when left on side by side. He can’t believe the performance for the price so I can see him buying a couple. Of course the Lenser is in a different league when it comes to build quality.
I loved my P7 then I gave it away to my friend, then within to weeks it got stolen which made me quite sad.
The lenser is a funny torch. It divides people. What I found was exactly like the comments above, some people love it and those who don’t, really hate it. However most of them have never even held one.
Personally I liked it a lot. Quality was superb. It was also a proper zoomer with no loss of lumens when zoomed out. They are a bit expensive but so are a lot of lights.
I have so say though shortly after buying my p7 I bought a Klarus p2a which I liked much more, but I still miss the Lenser.
The 4 x AAA configuration makes up somewhat for the lack of regulation, in addition to allowing more of the battery to be used. A smaller fraction of the maximum battery voltage is the minimum forward voltage of the LED, compared to 3 x AAA, so the current is more stable than it would be with the lower voltage and lower resistance to have the same peak current. For simple mod., it is a great advantage, at least with NiMH cells.
I just ordered one from Fasttech!
big problem is you WILL reverse a nimh cell.vf of the led will allow it to run ok on 3 cells.
if your cells are very consistant this is not as much of a problem(eneloops).
can you please explain that reversing a bit more?
Since there is no electronic driver, there is no low voltage warning. So if the cells are not matched, it may run one of them down to zero voltage or below while still running on the voltage of the other three. That would ruin a NiMH cell or make an alkaline cell leak. It is similar to the problem when running an SK-68 on a lithium ion cell, though not that bad. One should use only matched cells and change or recharge them when it gets dim.
In fairness to LED Lenser and to all those other brands that I usually consider to be too expensive for a second look, there is a very long dramatic thread here about Zeusray’s quality control problems.
I used the zeusray because it was very popular that days and a lot members bought one…
I usually don’t see any significant advantage to the more expensive lights, so I have remarked about the apparently well chosen optics of the LED Lenser and about the problems with the later Zeusrays. The Zeusray is a good comparison for performance, but maybe not for price.
you are right!
i bought the P7.2 for about 5 times the price of the zeusray - but its is not 5 times better
(exept “build quality”)