TK's Emisar D4V2 review

Hi everyone, sorry if this has been asked before does anyone know if the D4V2 steps back up to the set brightness level once it hits the set temperature level and steps down to cool off for a bit like the D4S? or does it stick to a lower level like the V1?


Both versions adjust the brightness to keep the temperature near the user’s configured target level. Both can step back up after cooling off, and to see this actually happen, the easiest way is to touch ice to the heat fins after it steps down. The increase is slow and gradual though, so it can be hard to see without a lux meter.

HI TK, thanks for the reply I’m really tempted to order a V2 though I’m perfectly happy with my Nichia and XPL-HI D4 V1 lights and my D4S which I’ve been using as my primary EDC for the past year. I’m going to attempt flashing Anduril to my D4S hopefully later on this week will order the USBASP and the Dupont wire hopefully later on today so will ask for help connecting the cables to the guts of the D4S. I’m happy on the software side just petrified with connecting the USBASP to the head.

If it helps, the D4S is pretty easy to reflash, and requires no special adapter. I generally just use some spare solid-core wire. As long as you don’t try to flash new fuse values, it should be pretty safe.

Thanks TK your D4S has the same pin layout as mine in 2 rows of 3 rathern than all 6 going horizontally across the board. I just want to flash Andural to the light without changing anything else. I’ll ask for help when my USBASP and Dupont wire arives.

The solid core wire I have is a bit too thick but I did find that the putting the pogo pins from my other flashing kit backwards seems to be a perfect fit. Springy-pin side into dupont cable and solid section into D4S pcb hole. Will try later today. I have to de-solder my lexel aux board though 

Edit; worked out pretty well. The width of the connectors is the exact spacing of the board holes. Almost too snug:

Banggood sent me a notice that Customs returned my package so it doesn’t look like I’ll be seeing my new USB ASP and pogo pins anytime in the near future.

Always something…

Customs has opened every package I’ve ever gotten with pogo pins inside. I don’t know why, but I’m guessing it must look really weird on an x-ray or something.

Mine came in a flimsy bag and wasn’t open from Banggood. Dale, offer still stands

Does Banggood go ahead and re-send or will it just die out? I mean, can they be bought somewhere else? Mouser or something? Arrow? Do I need to MAKE the crazy little things? :stuck_out_tongue:

Appreciate it C, and it may just come to that. I know they send em like 100 in a package and all that, I think my thin Key boards are on the way from Oshpark now. So I’ll be trying to figure em out soon enough…

I got some from Amazon. Haven’t put my key together yet though.

Some I got from Amazon a while back PINS

Thanks for that, this time I’m going to do some research and be sure I’m ordering the correct size… leave it to me to have a hundred of something I can’t use!

Here’s the two I got impatiently waiting for BG. Both worked fine

Just received my gold/sand D4v2 and absolutely love it! I was a bit worried about the color, but I think it looks awesome with the stainless bezel. The aux led’s are a fantastic touch and I feel like Anduril keeps adding features I never knew I needed.

I was a little unimpressed with the rainbow mode until I just paired it up with blinky mode… SUPER COOL! :sunglasses: I wish there was a way to slowly switch between colors in rainbow mode with a fade in between colors. Maybe change colors every 30 seconds so it’s barely noticeable…

Thank you to ToyKeeper and Hank for making such a fantastic light!!! :beer:

Like this…but slower… :smiley:


I know nothing about coding or how easy/difficult it could be…

Curious how hard would it be to code the color LED’s to have a bunch of modes (like the main LED’s have…strobe, candle, etc.) or make lava lamp flows, slow fades, fast strobes, smooth color mixing…etc.)

It could be a separate interface inside the anduril UI (like clicking 15x…(whatever) = “RAINBOW LED COLOR MODES GROUP”.

Or a separate UI to flash with our fancy new flash kits.

Maybe the hardware set up wouldn’t allow that, but it seems with the color LED modes currently programmed to blink and heartbeat…it seems possible to code them with an even more complicated performance to give them some main features.

How about strobing the aux’s to my stereo? :stuck_out_tongue:

Ha…my Philip’s Hue set up does that now.

KawiBoy1428, exactly like that! Maybe in the next revision…

So where can I sign up for the Emisar D4v3? :sunglasses: