Ohh BTW I picked up some more efest 18350 v2 high drain batts at $2.83 a piece. Anyone think these are too cheap?
im so sad i ordred the sst 120 6500k i hate green tint .but i always get conffused as to which to order, so how sad will i be when the light arives
you can slip a lee zircon 804 filter between the lens and optics.
Modified a manker E14II pocket clip to work and it doesn’t scratch the light!!
D4v2 output last night was limited to low/middle of ramp for about 10 minutes. It wouldn’t ramp up to high nor double click to turbo. The flashlight was barely warm. It wasn’t in Muggle mode.
The light has XP-L HI 5D emitters and is running the latest 08/05/19 Anduril firmware; I did the factory reset after flashing. It had a Sony VCT6 battery, which registered about 3.8V when I tested it. On a fully charged battery this morning, the flashlight was bright as normal on high and turbo, with the head too hot to hold after about 30 seconds.
Sorry to hear about the brightness I hope nothing is wrong me personally trust the luminous led’s more than I do cree
ain’t no substitute for horsepower!
- sounds exactly like you were in Muggle mode - did you see the Aux LEDs on when you switched it off?
- how old is that VTC6? I guess when the voltage really drops low something like this could happen
- dirty/oxidized electrical contact points that cause a high resistance could be the culprit, too
I know I wasn’t in Muggle mode; while it was happening I entered and exited Muggle mode to compare brightness - the flashlight was slightly dimmer in Muggle mode. The batteries are new and the flashlight is working properly at present. I did wonder whether the head and tail weren’t fully tightened and the resistance was higher. I haven’t adjusted the thermal settings since the factory reset; the head gets fairly hot on turbo and high and the light steps down, which seems normal. My thinking is to monitor it to see if it happens again.
Perhaps the flashlight thought the voltage was lower than it actually was? Compare the internal voltage measurement with that of an accurate DMM at various intervals while running a cell down. See if there is any discrepancy.
good evening humans is there a 18650 that is best for this light?
Molicel P26A works great!
The Sony VTC 6 or Samsung 30Q - I personally use the vtc6.
thank you both of you i have Sony | Murata VTC5A will they do ok?
Should do great, about as good as it gets.
awesume i have 15 lol damn ocd
I bought two of the VTC 5As when I bought my D4V1 and just use the second in my D4V2.
They work well for not a lot of scratch. There’s also some wiggle room with the 25A-30A 5As.
cool yep for 4 bucks a battery ya cant beat that
ps with the sst 20 6500 in steped mode what kinda battery life should i get at step 4 level?
im way to stupid for this light i cant figure out how to get the auxs to read battery power left