TN32 or TN36

Firstly, Hi!
Secondly, excuse the noob and any daft questions/assumptions.

I’m looking for a new powerful flashlight and have settled on either the TN32 or the TN36.

Other than the 36 having more lumen is the beam spread also MUCH wider?

It’s use will be security at night while walking.



Hi and welcome!

These two lights are pretty much opposite ends of the spectrum.

The TN32 being a pure throw light and the TN36 being all flood. If you don’t need to spot stuff at a distance the TN36 will offer a lot more light in the immediate area.

Basically just need to decide if you want to spot stuff a long way away or just light up a very large area with a lot of light.

Either way, they are both great lights. I have both of them.

I had a TN36 but did’t find a use for it, so i sold it.
In 99.9999999% you dont need 6000 lumens :slight_smile:

This is what I’m thinking. I’m guessing it would be hard not to blind any other dog walkers out too if carrying the 36 so the 32 may actually be more practical.

I’ll add that I am well aware that this is probably overkill but it’s my birthday so to hell with sensible. :slight_smile:

For dogwalking you sure dont need a mega thrower, it is impractical.

Could you elaborate pls.

There is little flood and an intense hotspot.

Why not the K40M? :party:

Or TN35

Are you bearing in mind that my jaw must drop when I first fire it up. Otherwise I probably won’t bother. Practical is good but it needs to be special.

If your recommendations take this into consideration then great!

This is a great recommendation, RPA335 - a “monster” of a light in the same physical style as the other two, but with a balance of throw & flood.

Great. Thanks both of you. I’ll check it out tonight after work.

Thanks for the great response all.


I love your reasoning!!

There’s a place for “mmm yes. Wise decision. I have saved enough for some batteries too” and there’s a place for “holy moley no waaaaay!”

This occasion is mostly the latter.

Well then, the rules have changed! Get a modded light with 3 XHP-70! easily 15000 lumens

Lol. (Knowing very little about these things) I’m guessing I should avoid this for fear of setting light to the dog’s fur?!

Just ordered a TN35 but I’ve got a horrible feeling that I’m at the start of yet another dangerously expensive obsession :frowning:


HAHAHAA but of course it doesn’t have to be full blast everytime you turn it on… Or you could go for 3 XHP-50 about max at 12000 lumens… With the XHP-50 youll have both throw and flood :slight_smile:
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and a mod thread: TR-J19 modded

Great choice. They are a fantastic light!!

Where did you get it from? We could have given you some options for places that offer the best prices.